Monday, July 16, 2012

A Day in the Life of A. Jacob Sweeny (and Giveaway)

Hello and welcome to "A Day in the Life of..."©, a featured guest post exclusive to my blog that's published on Mondays and sometimes, on Thursdays. On these two days, a spotlight guest will share a normal day in their lives, giving us insight on their thoughts, projects, interests, obsessions and more. Occasionally, and if we're lucky, they'll even throw in a giveaway.

And now, on with the show...

Today, it's my pleasure to welcome A. J. Sweeny, author of The Pulse Myths and Pulse Historia Series.   A.J. lives in San Francisco, California, where she shares her home with her two adorable cats and Pug and pursues a Master's Degree in Archeology.

A.J. Sweeny is a Goodreads Author
I have been writing and storytelling ever since I was able to hold a pen. When I spent time working as a teacher with children of varying ages I was fascinated by the awesome power of words to excite and inspire the young mind. 

*The art of Storytelling is what makes a good teacher great.

*My degree in History with an emphasis on Ancient Near East, and my personal interest in world myths, combined with my fieldwork in archaeology have inspired my research and development of many elements in the story.

*I also remember what it was like to be a girl myself and have often wanted to share my own thoughts, fears and dreams during that age with others. I read many books during my teenage years and some of them were essential in helping me make it through that time, and helping me become the satisfied person that I am today. I want to be able to return that favor to all the readers out there.


8:30 AM:
Get woken up by my talking cat Mia. She meows straight into my face until I tell her to “Go Away!” “No!” She actually listens but by then it’s too late. She knows I’m only half asleep and returns about 15 minutes later. If she doesn’t wake me, my other cat Catmosis The First will gently climb on my chest and put his paw on my cheek while purring like a tractor. If I don’t wake to his needs he might take out one nail and gently urge me to open my eyes.  My pug is a good sleeping buddy-if I’m o bed she’s in bed. Stumble out of bed, feed the cats and open their cat door. If I’m feeling good I turn on the espresso machine and make a nice Italian roast latte. If I’m in the middle of writing/editing I will do so while drinking my coffee, and at the same time check social networks and emails. Got to stay connected to y’all.

 9:30 AM:
My Review
 Decide that I can’t stay in PJ’s any longer no matter how cute they are. If I’m headed to school I shower and dress nice. If I’m working at home I might head to the gym first, then  eat either protein only- or a healthy smoothie, then shower, get dressed in my going out Pajamas= nice comfy cottony clothes.  Always takes me a little though because I have to find a matching pair of undergarments. Yup I do every time.
10:15 AM (Depending on the day it is):
A) I drive to school –takes me about 45 minutes to reach the JC and about half an hour to reach UC Berkeley. Parking at Berkeley and getting to my class takes an hour on its own.

B) Begin work. As I am doing right now. If I’m not writing my novels, I am writing guest blogs, (like right now) or doing interviews, promoting, running contests, contacting editors/artists/book reviewers. I am also doing constant research for my novels- which takes hour as they include a lot of history. I spend time developing my characters too-wondering how would they act in certain situations.
I might deal with E-book upload problems. Taking orders, making merchandise and packaging it. You name it I do it. In between all of this I probably have Facebook going in the background as it is my only social escape when I work at home and I miss y’all. I have to check in. I also have numerous text- conversations going on with my regulars and you know who you are ;) I might have music blasting if I’m writing as it helps keep me inspired. I play it all, classical to heavy metal!

*In-between hours of work I also get numerous phone calls asking me if I’m busy, if I can do this and that. I might be also arranging travel plans if I’m touring my books. Takes so many hours.

*My cats also bug me and want to play or yell if their food dish is empty even if they aren’t hungry.

1:30 PM:
I start keeping an eye on the outside. UPS man is my favorite. He brings me things that I’m waiting for. Postman is sometimes cold and sometimes hot. Once in a while between the regular mountains of bills I get a paycheck. And I even get fan mail :D These things keep me going many times when I think that I’m doing all this for nothing.

2:30 PM:
The first signs of low sugar attack me. I realize that it’s almost 3 o’clock and I have yet to eat.  I eat something light or munch on what I’m cooking. If I actually sit down to eat I might turn on a movie I’ve been trying to watch for days, sometimes weeks. You know your life is busy when you don’t have time to see a movie.

*This is the time I do housework too. Laundry, dishes, cleaning. If I have a garden going then I might be out there. Shopping is usually done around this time.

4:00 PM:
Go back to work

4:45 PM:
Feed my screaming cats/pug their dinner. Return to work/homework.

6:00 PM:
 If I didn’t work out in the morning I might do it now. Either head to the gym or meet up with a friend for a hike /walk/run/ anything that will get me sweating ;)

8:30 PM:
Realize that they day is done, but there is still so much to do. Might eat a little of what I cooked, or snack.

9:30 PM:
Either be social with other night owls or just try and finish that movie one more time. I might be trying to play my guitar, or even read someone else’s book.

10:30 PM:
Get back into cute PJ’s. Yell at the cats to shut up because they are sitting by my bedroom door meowing at me to go to bed.

12:00 Midnight:
Wonder if I’m going to have writer’s insomnia, or… well, that part I keep to myself.

Thank you for sharing your day with us, A.J., and thank you, my dear readers, for stopping by. I hope that you've enjoyed "A Day in the Life of.."

Tune in next week when my featured guest will be
Author Sara Humphreys !

 Scroll down to enter the giveaway!

Check out A.J. Sweeny's novels on

For more information, including excerpts, visit 

Find the Heroes on Facebook

(This giveaway is open to the residents of the U.S.)
 Read My Review of Pulse of Heroes

“Throughout all those years, nothing had changed when it came to beauty. Everyone craved it. Elliot wondered if that craving was more than just wanting to find a healthy, suitable partner. Perhaps somewhere in the human sub-consciousness everyone was searching for their maker,
 the image of perfection.” 

-Pulse of Heroes

a Rafflecopter giveaway
What Critics are Saying about 
Pulse of Heroes:

"Sometimes I will come across a novel which I classify as a rare jewel: a book that captivates me from beginning to end… an amazing story that it is impossible for it to not capture my heart, and Pulse Of Heroes is a rare jewel."

-Alishia, Treasured Tales For Young Adults Blog

"I love this book! Move over Edward and Bella, a new power couple has hit the scene! Michelle and Elliot from Pulse of Heroes by A. Jacob Sweeny will give Stephanie Meyer's characters a run for their money! I have read so many books, and it takes a lot to knock my socks off but A. Jacob Sweeny did just that! With her original storyline and unforgettable characters she has an award winning series in the making."

-Dawn Hagan, I love Books Blog


  1. Good interview boy you are a busy person. Thanks for the giveaway!

  2. Loved the interview and your cats!! :) Thanks for the wonderful giveaway!!

  3. Thanks for the giveaway! You're an amazing writer and keep on writing. I look forward to many more of your works :D


  4. Aaawwww your cats are sososoos cute!!!!!!!! You have such a busy day, I don't think I'd be able to get out of my pjs if my pets were that cute. And thanks or the giveaway....even though I'm not U.S. res. :)

  5. Great post! (Two of my favorite authors in once place! <3) :) Thanks for the look into your day, AJ! Your cats are adorable! Someone is going to be very happy when they win POH!

    Love y'all!


  6. Great Post! Thank you for sharing your day with us AJ! and of course, thank you Nely for organizing it!

  7. Hey y'all thank you for stopping by. I didn't have my laptop all day and just got it back. Thank you Nely for having me here. I love your book just the same.
    A. Jacob Sweemy <3

  8. I need to get caught up on my review books so that I can continue reading this series. I love it!

  9. Loved the review you are a very busy person! I have a friend whose cats do the same thing to her too. Your books are on my TRB pile.

    Thank you for the giveaway.

  10. Your books are fantastic! I look forward to your next installment!

  11. Hi! I've been dying to read this book for quite some time and I heard nothing but great things about this book! I hope to read it one day!

    Thank you for the giveaway! (:
