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Thursday, August 18, 2011

Launch Party: T-minus 24 hours

Tomorrow is the big day for the "Creatura" book launch party, and I'm very excited and nervous. I'm trying to write out a schedule to see when it is that I'm going to have time for myself to get ready, but I haven't quite figured it out. There's so much I have to do starting from noon and on. Keep your fingers crossed for me!

Today, I received a call from the owners of the Los Ebanos Preserve and Casa Los Ebanos. This is the residence that I used as the setting for the hero's (David's)  home. I'm so happy that they'll be attending. Casa Los Ebanos used to be their home until a few years ago. The historical southern style home is now available to book for weddings and parties of the sort. I would've loved to have the launch there, but I had to consider the costs to be incurred. *sigh* Maybe next time.

Something that has been creating a little humor in my mind today is that I don't consider this my party, but the book's party. Isn't that strange? It's like the novel isn't an inanimate object, but more of a personality. I suppose books do have personalities if you stop to think about it: Romantic, adventurous, horrifying, witty, humorous... etc. In a way, they're much like people. I believe that's why we can easily fall in love or easily dislike them.

Did you know that the author has to go through personality changes as she writes? I mean, how else would she write so many lines that only that certain character would say? It's very impressive to me how books have to dominate a personality that isn't really the writer's.

Anyhow, I'm supposed to be making dinner for my in-laws that are coming in from out of town to attend the shindig, and I'm typing my little fingers away instead. lol! Oh, and one more thing before I go: the oddest thing I have ever needed for a party is sandpaper. I have yet to acquire some. I'll tell you guys about it later when I post the pictures.

Toodles, beautiful creatures!