Blog Visits


Thursday, June 14, 2012

Two Creatura Lethal Blog Tours?!
Today marks the anniversary of Creatura's one year in print. Also, as you might have or might have not heard, LedaBooks, the leading YA publisher in Romania, has recently acquired the foreign rights for publication. It's been a good year for Creatura, and to celebrate its one year anniversary and the foreign rights contract, there is not one but two blog tours that will be kicking off this weekend. How cool is that?!

An international blog tour, "The Lethal Book Tour", hosted by Kathryn V. Grimes and Shelley Bunnell of Tsk Tsk What to Read blog, will begin today, June 15, and run through July 9, 2012. This tour will make about 27 stops at different blogs. You'll find the  international Rafflecopter giveaway, along with a picture of the prizes as you read further.
The "Romanian Lethal Book Tour" is more of a scavenger hunt. The blog tour will take place, Saturday, June 16, 2012, making stops at about 16 Romanian blog sites. The tour will be hosted by Irinna, Oana and Alecsa of the very first  fan blog dedicated to Creatura -- Creatura Lovers. The girls are very excited that Creatura is coming to Romania, and I share in the excitement with them.

I'd like to thank the hosts and bloggers that are participating in both blog tours and who whipped them up at the spur of the moment. I also thank you for stopping by my blog. You can check out the events on the following sites:

Good Luck! 

a Rafflecopter giveaway