Blog Visits


Saturday, January 7, 2012

Ever wonder how a story is developed in a writer's mind?

Do you ever wonder how a character or story is developed in the mind of a writer? Everyone has a different story. Mine is, without a doubt, different. Tina from the Not Me Did It... Blog asked me to be a guest on her blog, requesting specifically that story. You can read it here:

Not me did it...: Guest Post: Nely Cab; Author for "Creatura": Hello, to Tina and to you, the readers that have taken time to stop by. Today, Tina has asked me to tell you about how I came up with th...

Friday, January 6, 2012

Not me did it...: Book review - Creatura, Author Nely Cab

Not me did it...: Book review - Creatura, Author Nely Cab: I remember entering a giveaway through some blog that led me to finding out about Creatura. One of the things that I had to do was friend ...

Author Jaidis Shaw & Juniper Grove

Author Jaidis Shaw

Recently, I stopped over at Author Jaidis Shaw's blog, Juniper Grove, to do an interview. Ms. Shaw is also the Book Tour Coordinator at Nuture Your Books. In her care, I left a giveaway for our blog readers! Read the interview  HERE and don't forget to enter the giveaway!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012


So, I was sitting here drinking coffee thinking of ways to rile up the fans. Then, I look in the mirror, and as I catch the first glimpse of myself (mostly in disgust), I discover I'm having a bad hair day.  The lights in my brain flickered on, and suddenly, over the hymns I usually hear when I have a good idea, I say to myself, "A GIVEAWAY for my NEW Author Page on Facebook!" 
Click HERE to visit me on Facebook and to enter the contest. 

Sunday, January 1, 2012


      ★1st Prize: Creatura Ebook                                
      ★2nd Prize: Creatura Spiral Notebook/Journal   
      ★3rd Prize: Creatura Canvas Tote                      

To ENTER, Click on the CONTESTS page of this blog or click HERE to be redirected to the giveaway.