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Monday, January 16, 2017

Creatura Translation Underway

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Hello Wonderful Readers!

I hope that 2017 is treating you incredibly well. I know I haven't been around my blog in a while, and there's a reason for it: I've been a super busy bee! Home life, trips, family birthdays, the holidays, New Year's, and company have kept me on my feet, especially in the ladder part of 2016. Now that 2017 has opened it's door, a flurry of surprises have blown in. One of the projects and dreams/goals I'd long been hoping to jump in to is now becoming a reality. 

From the emails and social media messages I receive, along with face to face conversations, I've been asked over and over again if my books are available in Spanish. Until now, I'm sorry to say no, they are not. HOWEVER, that will soon change! 

I've employed the aide of a wonderful Spanish translator for the first book in the series, Creatura. The translation should be done with by late March, early April. Afterward, the editing and formatting process will begin. I have a lot of work ahead of me! Why? Well, for this project, I've decided to self-publish the Spanish version of Creatura, which means I get to do all the work. I'll have more news as to the estimated publication date as soon as the finished draft is in my hands.  

Thanks for reading, and thanks for following my journey in this book writing adventure.
