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Sunday, January 26, 2014

Prelude Cover Reveal & Giveaway

Hey There! 
I'm beyond excited to be sharing Prelude's new cover. High fives and a million thanks go out to Rue Volley for perfecting it. Make sure you scroll down to enter the giveaway after you've ooh'd and awe'd over it like I did.

FYI, the novella/book will be released on February 3rd through Crushing Hearts and Black Butterfly Publishing,  so mark your calendars! As always, thank you for stopping by.


It’s not easy creating life, but that’s what Deus was meant to do. And as amazing as his new creations may be, Deus finds that there’s nothing wonderful about being the only person in existence. Using his power, he molds a companion to keep him company; only, something goes awry and Starr soon proves to be as wild as the animals he’s crafted.

What do you do when the only other person in the universe hates you? You fall in love, of course…
because that’s how forever begins.

G I V E A W A Y!

a Rafflecopter giveaway