The leading Young Adult publisher in Romania, LedaBooks, an imprint of Corint Editorial Group has announced the coming release of Creatura, set for July 19, 2013 on their website blog. Pre-orders for the first novel in the Creatura series will begin June 18, 2013. LedaBooks holds an impressive publishing portfolio, including Anne Rice, James Patterson, LJSmith and other great New York Times and International Best Selling Authors.
Some of you are probably wondering why I've chosen to change the cover of Creatura and what all the commotion is about. Well... the book has been edited and is being released as a second edition. You're probably asking yourself,What does this mean? It means that the original version of Creatura (Edition 1) will no longer be available. BUT DO NOT FEAR! With the help of my lovely editor, the novel has evolved into a better version of the original—in my opinion. And to show you how true this is, I'll be revealing Chapter 1 on Monday, July 1, 2013, about 2 weeks before the cover reveal. If you're a blogger and would like to participate in the Chapter 1 reveal, please fill out the sign up form found HERE, and an email will be sent to you with instructions the day before the reveal date. Thanks for stopping by to share in my excitement!