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Saturday, March 28, 2015

Prelude Cover Reveal and Release Dates

Hello, you!

I'm really excited to share the post by Clean Teen Publishing for the NEW Prelude cover and some snazzy new updates made to the two full-length novels. What about the release dates? Well, read on...



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Are you ready for a cover crush? Clean Teen Publishing has three gorgeous covers to reveal for the Creatura Series by Nely Cab. These beautiful covers were designed by Phatpuppy. Take a second to read more about this exciting young adult paranormal romance series that will be hitting shelves this year. Don't forget to comment and tell us what you think of the series and the covers.

Ebook - Prelude 4PRELUDE (APRIL 14, 2015)

Deus, the creator of the universe, is almighty and powerful—until he uses his abilities to mold a companion. His newest creation, Starr, proves to be as wild as the animals that inhabit Terra. There's no controlling her. To make matters worse, she hates Deus. So what's the one boy in the universe to do when the one girl in the universe loathes him? The only illogical thing to do. He falls in love.
PRELUDE is a Creatura Novella by Nely Cab.

CREATURA (May 12, 2015)

Ebook - CreaturaIsis can control her dreams. Or she could—until recently. The creature in her nightmares has been haunting her for months. As if being dumped wasn't bad enough, now she dreads going to sleep. She decides to confront the creature and win back some of her peace; only, she finds that he's not a monster and he's not a dream. A sacrifice for love, a shocking discovery and a jealous ex-boyfriend blur the lines between reality and dreams, making it hard to tell who the real monsters are.
Who would've known...that sometimes love is lethal?
CREATURA is the first novel in the Creatura Series. Add CREATURA to your Goodreads TBR List.  



Ebook - Fruit of MisfortuneIsis' goals for the future included things like attending and graduating college. However, becoming a monster wasn't part of the plan. Isis and her boyfriend, David, are on the brink of a horrible transformation and they are eager to stop it. Together, they set out on a quest to Greece to find Isis' biological father—the only person that may be able to help them. Their journey comes to an abrupt stop before it even begins when Isis falls ill, and Eros, David's best friend, arrives in Athens, unannounced and curious…with a plan of his own.
The hunt for her father leads Isis on the turbulent path of deceit, death, and demons as she anticipates the dawning of the beast that stirs inside her.
FRUIT OF MISFORTUNE is the second novel in the Creatura Series. Add FRUIT OF MISFORTUNE to your Goodreads TBR List.  



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Nely Cab is a Writer of stuff, a Master Coffee Drinker, a Food Maker & Eater, an Imaginary World Conqueror, and an Air Breather. She talks to herself—a lot—in her South Texas home while she plots stories about fantasy worlds and sips coffee from a pitcher. She's known for cooking far too much food and has a tendency to overdo…well, everything. It is rumored that she is fabulous. Nely Cab is the best-selling author of the Creatura series.
Like Nely Cab on Facebook or Follow her on Instagram!

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Blind Date with a Book Giveaway!


I've been thinking of something fun to do for you that involves books. A while ago, I saw a shelf on a library that displayed completely covered books. They called it the "Blind Date with a Book Shelf". I thought it was a really neat idea. It gave readers a chance to pick up a book without judging the cover and discover a new author in the process. The only problem I saw was that it didn't disclose the genre. 

Well, I've decided to do my own twist of the "Blind Date with a Book Shelf", but my version involves a giveaway.  I'll disclose the genre of each book, but not the author or title, so that you can choose if you'd like to enter the giveaway daily or not. Hopefully, I can do this every month. For the month of April, my featured genre is Young Adult. By the way, this is not my book. And if it was, I wouldn't tell you. HA! But I will tell you it might be traditional or might be indie. I guess that was no help, huh? But if I told you, then we'd lose all the anticipation. Why don't I just show you the book?

This is the book:

And this is where you can enter daily to win: