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Wednesday, June 10, 2015

June's Blind Date with a #Book #Giveaway

Hi again!

If you read my last post, then you know I hadn't posted this month's giveaway because I couldn't find the book. So here's what happened...

I was organizing a party for my niece, which was happening on Saturday,  trying to get things together for Book Expo America in New York City for which I was flying out on Tuesday morning, and I was going to have out of town guests, staying for the weekend. So being the good hostess my mother taught me to be, I had to clean my house. I also overdo everything, so I overextend myself. And you should also know I'm old, so I have all the old people pains and some things are hard for me to do. That's why I have a housekeeper lady that comes once a week and helps me do those things. But housekeeper lady was unable to come that week because she was/is still sick. Hence, I was really stressed.

This is pretty much what I looked like that week.

We (my sister, her friend, and my mom) made all the party goodies: cookies, invitations, loot bags. You didn't know I was crafty like that, did you? You should check out my Instagram
Anyway, going back to that stressful week... 
It was utter insanity! 
And SO tiring. Long nights and days. There were no Nely naps involved. Like. At. All.

And then there was the aftermath. My house was a mess. 
I started cleaning like a mad woman.

I threw everything in my office (you should take that literally) to clear out the mess downstairs. But then I couldn't walk into it without tripping, and I needed to do important things in there. There wasn't a free space on my desk to do all the importantly important tasks, and I still had tons more that needed to get done. So I sat in the middle of it all in despair, not knowing what to do. I only had a couple of days left before my company would arrive, which was the morning of the party. 


And I realized...

I called for emergency back up. My sister, Krystle, 
and her BFFEAE (Best Friend for Ever and Ever), Sheila,
responded to my call. It took them two hours to drive 9 miles at 60mph. I've never been good at math, but that doesn't add up. I've since developed an alien abduction theory about their memory being erased. Wait... 
Isn't that the plot from that 90's movie, 
Fire in the Sky?

⬅︎ This is Krystle.

This is Sheila.➡︎

Once they arrived and Krystle raided my pantry for twenty minutes while Sheila checked her Snapchats, they walked upstairs and into my office. They scoped the place out and were all...

And then you know what they did?

So I left them to it, and I started on my Book Expo America swag stuff because I wasn't going to have time to do anything that weekend. Meanwhile, Krystle raided my make-up samples and said she was taking some of it, because obviously, I didn't need any of it if it was just lying there. Like everything else wasn't just scattered everywhere? During the time Krystle gifted herself my items, Sheila threw away everything she thought was trash. 
That evening I found out too late that this is Sheila's motto:

Now I know, right?
Sheila also made it a point to label every...single...thing...with a sharpie. She may have an undiagnosed condition. 

When I went back in to check on them, I couldn't believe what I saw⎯a clean office! HOORAY!

Krystle, very lady-like, reacted to my excitement.

Saturday came and the party was a blast, my guests slept on fresh sheets and were greeted with sparkly cleanliness, and Book Expo America was super fun... which I meant to blog about, but didn't. Sorry! Also, I forgot to shop for groceries, so the fridge was empty and brilliantly clean inside, too. But there was no food for the weekend guests. Oops! I was really happy when we had Chick-fil-A sandwiches left over from the party on Saturday, because... well, food.  But then I counted how many chicken sandwiches were left. THIRTY?! That must be like a lifetime supply, right? I froze them. 

I had no time to step back into my office after that day. I had a lot of pending stuff when I left to BEA. 

Fast forward...

The following week, I'm back home from NYC/BEA. I've been gone for... five or six days? Who knows? I'm trying to get up to date with all the things I have to do. You know⎯like, life. I go into my office to do all the things that shall and must be done. Only, I can't find anything. And along with the things I can't find is the giveaway book. I panic. 

I search, search, and search. I microwave a Chick-fil-A sandwich,  and then I search some more.

Nope. Couldn't find it. Today, almost two weeks and several chicken sandwiches later, I found it at last.  It was tucked away on a shelf where it shouldn't have been (I'm looking at you, Krystle and Sheila), and I was relieved. 

So that's my story. 
Thank you, Sheila and Krystle for cleaning my office. I'll have to call upon your services again soon because housekeeper lady is still sick. Poor woman! Only next time, I'm not leaving the room.

This is the longest post ever. I didn't mean for it to be this long, but I got caught up in the gifs. It's super past my bedtime, so I don't  think I'll include a picture of the Blind Date book in this giveaway. You've already had too much entertainment anyway, and I need my beauty sleep.

 So here's the giveaway. It's a New Adult book about demons and angels. I gave you more info this time because it's my giveaway and I do what I want, okay? Hope you like it. 
Good luck!

Fruit of Misfortune & Free Copies of Creatura on @bookgrabbr


First, let me apologize for not posting any updates about this earlier. I'm just now getting organized after coming back Book Expo America... which I forgot to post about. In another unrelated topic, I'll be posting June's Blind Date with a Book Giveaway later today, so come back! I'm late on posting it because I couldn't find the book and panicked. I'll explain why I lost it in that post. So fear not, the giveaway is coming. 

Now moving on to the real topic of this post...

Fruit of Misfortune (Creatura, #2) will be release on June 16th in Ebook format. HOORAY! You can preorder a copy on Amazon or Barnes & Noble. The print edition will be available until August 25, 2015 wherever books are sold.

Are you here to learn about the free copies of Creatura? 
Read on...

The Creatura ebook is already on sale on Amazon and Barnes & Noble, and you can pick up a paperback copy on July 14, 2015. But in case you haven't read Creatura and aren't too sure about preordering Fruit of Misfortune AND buying Creatura (books are a big investment. I know this.), I've upload some copies of Creatura onto this new, incredible site called BookGrabbr for the price of  FREE NINETY-NINE! In case you don't understand that phrase, it means it's FREE. Yes, FREE... for the first 50 to get there. So click the link and get your copy!