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Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Happy 10th Birthday Creatura! #giveaway


I hope all of you are well and have been reading some good books while being safe and sound indoors. Although, it seems like some countries are beginning to see the glimmer of light at the end of what seemed to be a non-ending pandemic tunnel. Let's hope for the best! 

In the writing world, nothing much has been happening with me. Yesterday, I was made aware by a fellow reader that Creatura's 10th anniversary will be coming up on June 20th. Can you believe it? With that being said, I'd like to take this time to thank those of you who've stuck by me all this time. My writing has taken a long pause, and I feel like maybe it's been a much needed one. I've promised a lot of people a Spanish translation of the books, which I have in my possesion, but I've yet to have edited in Spanish. I had many plans.... Like audiobooks... Those took a backseat because:

    #1: I couldn't find a voice actress that could commit or follow through. 

    #2: There was/is a matter of a lot of $Money$ involved to produce these babies

    #3: Frustration crushed my hopes 

    #4: My life got complicated

But enough about my woes. 

Let's focus on the good things, like 10 year anniversaries! Ermagawd! I feel like a contest is in order. Do I even know how to do that anymore? YES! So here ya go...