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Monday, March 31, 2014

ARV-3 by Cameo Renae to become Sci-fi Film by Timid Monster

Welcome to a New Age!

Cameo Renae and Timid Monster have teamed up to bring you the thrilling story of Abigail and her life in a new age where radiation is a daily threat and creepy monsters lurk. This Sci-fi film is currently raising funds on Kickstarter. I am a fan of both Cameo's and Timid Monster's work. I believe that Timid Monster, being an award-winning film maker, will portray ARV-3 so impressively that I am a backer in this project, as well—a big backer... I'm an Associate Producer. That's one of the reasons this project is so important to me. The other reason is that I would love to see Abigail's story on the big screen. Wouldn't you? 

The good news is, you can be part of this this 
exciting collaborative venture, too! 

Your contribution, as little as it may be, can help bring the story to the world. As a bonus for your pledge, you'll receive awesome perks, which you can read about on the Kickstarter project page. There's just one tiny problem: we're on a time limit! All pledges totaling $7500 for the project must be in no later than April 17, 2014 (12:45 PM CST). As of the time of this post, the ARV-3 film project is short $3000, and we only have 16 days to fund it. 

I encourage you to check out the teaser trailer below, and then make your way to 

On behalf of Cameo Renae and myself, 
thank you!


Spelled by Sonya Loveday Book Blitz

Book 2 of the Casted Series
Now Available!


Confused by the turn of events, Jade is only sure of four things: My name is Jade Kinsley. I’m 20 years old. I’m an Enforcer for the Triad. And I have a debt to settle with Original Coven. Will Jade be able to break through the spell her Grandfather put on her and remember who she is, or will she become just another piece in Lorenzo’s game?

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           Sonya Loveday, first and foremost, is a reader, an avid one. It is of that love that brought her to the realization that this was the answer to the nagging persistent feeling that 'there has to be something more. The dream came alive in 2009 when she purchased her laptop and began the tedious step of becoming a published author. When she's not reading, she's writing. When she's not writing, she's reading. And when she's not doing either of those things, she's sleeping, shuttling her children back and forth to school, letting the dogs and cats in and out of the house for the upteenth time in the last hour and dreaming of a clean house.

 You can find Sonya on