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Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Creatura's Foreign Rights Acquired by LedaBooks (Romania)

It was my dream from the age of 10 to be a published author. Today I'm ecstatic to announce that 17 days shy of its one year anniversary in the self-publishing market, my first novel, Creatura, has been signed to LedaBooks, the leading Young Adult publisher in Romania (an imprint of Corint Editorial Group) for translation rights and traditional publishing. It's an honor to work with you Leda!

In addition, I'd like to extend my undying gratitude to the Romanian bloggers that have expressed such a passionate interest in Creatura and took it upon themselves to campaign for my book. The mastermind behind the Creatura Campaign is a beautiful, sweet and intelligent young lady named Irina Mihaila of Gaesti, Romania. Irina and her blog partner, Oana, run the Rătăcitori în lumen cărţilor blog and actively sought out other bloggers to introduce them to Creatura. Your support means the world to me, girls!

But there are other Romanian blogger that have devoted much time to the Romanian book campaign, as well. Among a few I can name are  Claudiu, Simona, Bianca Alexandra, Vlad,, Oana, Ioana, Krisz, Alex, Gabi, Andrea and so many more! Guys, without you, I don't exist. "Vă iubesc mult!"

Thank you to my existing supporters, fans and friends for your continued support and encouragement. I hope that you've enjoyed our journey in conquering the world, so far. I'd be extremely happy if you'd stick around because I've only just begun.

As a way of introducing myself and my book to my new followers and to entertain my present readers, I gathered some of the people that helped me imagine the characters in my story and made a short video. I hope you like it. Enjoy!