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Saturday, May 24, 2014

Post #RT2014 Con #Books and Swag #Giveaway

This year I was lucky enough to attend the RT Convention in New Orleans. I had so much fun meeting, speaking, and hanging out with a whole bunch of rockstars, including +Kathryn Grimes, +sara humphreysJennilynh Dinh+Gracen Miller , +Quinn Loftis , A.M. Hargrove,  mother-son duo, Adam and Carol Kunz, Tiffany King+Michelle Johnson+E L James , +Jennifer Armentrout+Dete Meserve+Kes Trester+Cora Carmack, Mark Henry, Lisa Burstein+Rachel Caine+Sylvia Day...and the list goes on and on. 

If you've never been to RT and you love books, you should consider going at least once in your life. The energy and enthusiasm can be felt everywhere and everyday during the convention. There are informative and helpful panels for bloggers, authors, readers, librarians, and bookstore vendors, social events, parties... And the best part of the convention'll never believe get tons of free stuff. That's right, FREE! I got so many books (two copies of some) and swag that I had to send some home with Tsk Tsk What to Read Blogger, +Kathryn Grimes, for safe keeping until +utopYA (June 19-22) rolls around. Yes, I'll be attending that even in Nashville, too. I'll be sure to update you on it.

So let me tell you about the free stuff; I had SO much that my suitcase was ripping at the seams and when I got to the airport my suitcase was over the weight limit. I had to take all the books and swag out and put it in my carry on bag, which was so heavy that my arm is still sore from lugging it around through three airports. Then, I got home and I emptied the contents of my carry on and I saw all the awesomeness in this pile: 

I said, "Hey, wouldn't it be cool to share the awesome with my readers who weren't able to attend RT?" And then I answered myself—because having a one person conversation is normal for me—and I said, "Yes, it would be cool to share." Then I had another idea, "And why don't I do 3 separate giveaway bundles for it?" To which I replied to myself, "That's an excellent idea!"

So here you have it folks, a giveaway for 3 randomly assorted bundles of books and swag for 3 lucky winners....And you're welcome.