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Saturday, April 25, 2015

Month of April Blind Date with a YA Book Winner

Congratulations to the winner of the Blind Date with a YA Book Winner, Theola! 

After emailing Theola, she asked me to post a picture of the book without the brown craft cover because she's just too curious and anxious to wait to see what book she's won. So, here it is:

And as promised, it's a signed edition. 

Not gonna lie, I wanted to keep this book for myself.  The story concept is far to intriguing to pass up. But don't take my word for it. Read the back cover blurb...

Man Made Boy by Jon Skovron

  • Hardcover: 384 pages
  • Publisher: Viking Books for Young Readers
  • Language: English

Love can be a real monster.
Sixteen-year-old Boy’s never left home.  When you’re the son of Frankenstein’s monster and the Bride, it’s tough to go out in public, unless you want to draw the attention of a torch-wielding mob.  And since Boy and his family live in a secret enclave of monsters hidden under Times Square, it’s important they maintain a low profile.
Boy’s only interactions with the world are through the Internet, where he’s a hacker extraordinaire who can hide his hulking body and stitched-together face behind a layer of code.  When conflict erupts at home, Boy runs away and embarks on a cross-country road trip with the granddaughters of Jekyll and Hyde, who introduce him to malls and diners, love and heartbreak. But no matter how far Boy runs, he can’t escape his demons—both literal and figurative—until he faces his family once more.
This hilarious, romantic, and wildly imaginative tale redefines what it means to be a monster—and a man. 

Keep an eye out for the Month of May's Blind Date with a Book Giveway, coming soon!