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Friday, January 16, 2015

The Title of Book 3 in the Creatura Series


I hope you've all started off your New Year on a good note. I can't complain  because even if I did no one would hear me over here in Nely's Land of Fantasy and Whatnot. Let's get down to business... 

Over the past months, I've gotten plenty of emails and messages asking about the title of book 3 and its release date. Most of them saying something like...

Some of your messages seemed urgent 

And there were those who got a little violent

Then the holidays snuck up on me, and I got behind on writerly stuff and couldn't tend to my social media. I had company. LOTS of company. And in order to keep myself calm, I had to pretend I wasn't writing the last book in the series.

But now, I'm back! And without further ado, the title of book 3 is...


of Hope

As for the release date, well, that'll be another announcement.  I know what you're thinking and...

I'm trying to go as fast as I can. But there's still much to do, like writing and finishing the cover and edits and more edits after that, but hey,

So stop giving me this face


Okay we all know...

And I thank you for it. 

I'll be back soon (I hope) with a cover reveal date and a release date for Marker of Hope. See you around the net. Thank you for stopping by! 
