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Thursday, July 18, 2013

Creatura Cover Reveal and ARC Giveaway

I'm am SO very excited to be sharing this beautiful cover from the very talented Claudia McKinney of Phatpuppy Art and the very skillful typography artist, Ashley of Bookish Brunette Designs. Thank you also to the 200+ bloggers that participated in this cover reveal. I cannot express how incredibly happy and grateful I am that you singed up! And now (insert drumroll here)  the cover!


  • BLURB:
    Isis can control her dreams. Or she could—until recently. The creature in her nightmares has been haunting her for months. As if being dumped wasn’t bad enough, now she dreads going to sleep. She decides to confront the creature and win back some of her peace; only, she finds that he’s not a monster and he’s not a dream.
    A sacrifice for love, a shocking discovery and a jealous ex-boyfriend blur the lines between reality and dreams, making it hard to tell who the real monsters are.
    Who would’ve known…that sometimes love is lethal?

  • This Title is Available for Pre-order on Amazon


a Rafflecopter giveaway