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Sunday, September 16, 2012

A Day in the Life of Adrian Deliu (+ International Giveaway)

Hello and welcome to "A Day in the Life of..."©, a featured guest post exclusive to my blog that's published on Mondays and sometimes, on Thursdays. On these two days, a spotlight guest will share a normal day in their lives, giving us insight on their thoughts, projects, interests, obsessions and more. Occasionally, and if we're lucky, they'll even throw in a giveaway.

And now on with the show...

About Adrian Deliu
Adrian Deliu was born in December 1963 in Bucharest, Romania, where he has spent most of his life and resides today. After obtaining an economics degree, he worked for a year and a half as an economist, but quit immediately after the events of December 1989 that marked the end of the Communist regime of Nicolae Caeusescu. In 1990, Adrian made the transtition from economist to reporter and editor for several Romanian newspapers and magazines. In the year 2004, he began work as a freelance translator for several publishing houses in Romania, the most notable being Corint Publishing Group, and its imprints, Leda Books and Corint Junior. In the past eight years, Adrian has translated dozens of books for children and young adults, such as the series Children of the Lamp, by P.B. Kerr, The Wardstone Chronicles, by Joseph Delaney, The Nine Lives of Chloe King, by Liz Braswell, The Vampire Academy, by Richelle Mead, The Morganville Vampires, by Rachael Caine, Pretty Little Liars, by Sara Shepard, Women of the Underworld, by Kelley Armstrong, and, most currently... Creatura by Nely Cab.

Connect with Adrian Deliu

A Day in the Life of
Adrian Deliu

In three words, I can sum up everything I've learned about life: it goes on. --Robert Frost 

That’s what I can say about almost any day in my life. There’s nothing spectacular. Or, if it is, it doesn’t strike me. Life goes on with good days, bad days, dull days, sparkling days… it goes on. So, let me see...

Sometime between 8:00AM and 10:00AM — The beginning of a new day. Because I’m a freelancer, I am the one who makes the schedule, so I wake up when I wake up, that’s all. Some days earlier, and some later, depending on how late I stayed up the night before.
About three decades ago, I saw a play called The Farm, by David Storey, at one of the best theatres in Bucharest named Bulandra. One of the characters was blind, deaf and dumb every morning, until he drank his cup of coffee. The same applies for me now; don’t count on me ’til I finish my coffee! Is that understood?

Half an hour later (that means, while drinking coffee) — I sit in front of my PC, checking my e-mails usually, Facebook notifications, a few newsletters and special offers. The latter are deleted without opening them, thank you very much. And, most important, a few words from my little Jo, the most important person of my life. That’s what enlightens my whole day. Next, the press (news), also online. Mostly, the headlines would suffice. When the second batch of coffee is ready, I, too, am ready for work.

Around 11 — Start of the actual workday. As it happens, now I work on the Romanian translation of Creatura, a brilliant book by... Hey, Nely, may I disclose the name of the author? ;) I must confess that I didn’t have enough time for properly reading the book before beginning the translation, so I discover the action step by step. And, Geez, it’s sooo full of surprises! I totally love it! I think that the Romanian readers will love it too, and that will be very soon, when Creatura is to be published by Leda Books (, one of the top publishing houses in Romania. I’m sure it’ll be a hit! Look, this is something I just translated:

A few times during the day — Breakfast, lunch, dinner, a couple of snacks... whatever. Really, I’m still working on establishing a proper nourishing schedule. Until then, I eat when I remember. Thank God (and to my little Jo!), I did quit smoking some eight months ago, after almost 30 years... A cup of coffee from time to time, a glass of soda... oh, and some music, please! Lately, my fav is the latest album from Rush, Clockwork Angels. But almost every day I replay a tune by Marillion, No One Can. It’s very special for me. Want to hear it? Here:

Late in the evening — The same as the morning routine, sort of. Facebook, Twitter, online publications. Sometimes, but not too often, I’m in the mood for a good movie. The last one that really impressed me was A Single Man, a film by Tom Ford, based on the novel of the same name by Christopher Isherwood. Colin Firth made a great role there. Look:

And so, at about midnight, another day in my life comes to an end. And the life goes on. And on. And tomorrow... Of course, tomorrow will be another day! :)

Thank you, Adrian, for sharing your day with us and thank you, readers for taking the time to stop by. I hope that you've enjoyed today's 
"A Day in the Life of..."

And now for the giveaway! 

Spiral Notebook, Pen and Bookmark
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a Rafflecopter giveaway