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Monday, July 23, 2012

A Day in the Life of Sara Humphreys & GIVEAWAY!

Hello and welcome to "A Day in the Life of..."©, a featured guest post exclusive to my blog that's published on Mondays and sometimes, on Thursdays. On these two days, a spotlight guest will share a normal day in their lives, giving us insight on their thoughts, projects, interests, obsessions and more. Occasionally, and if we're lucky, they'll even throw in a giveaway.

And now, on with the show...

Today we spotlight Sourceboooks Author Sara Humphreys. Sara not only writes great stories, but is also the president and founder of a successful public speaking training company. Sara lives in Bronxville, New York with her husband, four sons and two dogs. 

Sara is a Goodreads Author
Unleashed, Sara’s first published novel and the first book in The Amoveo Legend series, recently won Best Book of 2011 in the Grave Tells Reader’s Choice Awards, beating out JR Ward for the top honor. Untouched (AL #2) is being released by Sourcebooks in April of 2012 and will be followed by three more books in the series.
Dead in the City, Sara’s urban fantasy vampire series was recently sold to Sourcebooks in another five book deal, with the first book slated for release in 2013.
Sara is a graduate of Marist College, with a B.A. Degree in English Literature & Theater. Her initial career path after college was as a professional actress. Some of her television credits include, A&E Biography, Guiding Light, Another World, As the World Turns and Rescue Me.
Sara is the President of Taney Speaker Training, which specializes in public speaking, presentation development and communication skills training. She has trained executives at Verizon, Bristol-Meyer Squibb, Westchester County and the United States Navy.  Her speaking career began with Monster’s Making It Count programs, speaking in high schools and colleges around the United States to thousands of students.
Sara has been a lover of both the paranormal and romance novels for years. Her sci-fi/fantasy/romance obsession began years ago with the TV Series STAR TREK and an enormous crush on Captain Kirk. That sci-fi obsession soon evolved into the love of all types of fantasy/paranormal; vampires, ghosts, werewolves, and of course shape shifters. Sara is married to her college sweetheart, Will. They live in Bronxville, New York with their 4 boys and 2 insanely loud dogs. Life is busy but never dull.

Connect with Sara:

Buy The Amoveo Legend Series:

A Day in the Life of Sara Humphreys

Read My Review
When Nely was kind enough to ask me to participate in this blog series, I was thrilled! The funny thing is that if she’d asked me to do this a couple of months ago, my day would’ve looked very different. I recently resigned from my full-time job at a local college and am now fully self-employed! In addition to being the mom to four wonderful boys and an author, I also own a company called Taney Speaker Training—we offer public speaking and presentation skills training. 
Read My Review
Being self-employed is a new adventure for me but one I’m embracing with open arms. However, since it’s summertime and the boys aren’t in school, it also comes with some unique challenges. Let’s just say that my time management skills are being put to the test.
So here’s an ideal summertime work day…

7:30am: Up and at ‘em with a workout. I usually do an Insanity workout or go for a run but lately the Insanity DVD is the way I go.

8:30am: Breakfast for me and the boys—immediately followed by clean-up/laundry etc.
Coming 11/1/2012

10:00am-12:00pm: Working on various projects for my Taney Speaker Training clients.

12:00pm-1:00pm: Lunch with the boys and of course cleaning up.

1:00pm-4:00pm: Pool time with the boys or some errands with them. If we’re at the pool, I usually have my laptop in tow and get some writing done there as well.

4:00pm-6:00pm: Dinner/laundry/cleaning up

6:00pm-8:00pm: Writing time.

8:00pm---until bedtime: My husband usually gets home around this time and we have a chance to hang out as a family and catch up. 

*On occasion—10:00pm-12:00am: More writing time—this usually happens as deadlines loom.

Riveting…isn’t it?
I’m looking forward to the school year so that I can get back to a more typical work day but I’m also trying to remember to enjoy time with my guys while they’re home. They’re great kids and I’m so proud to be their mom.  However, with all of these boys…the schedule rarely runs smoothly…but everything works itself out.

I have another deadline looming in early September. The manuscript for the first Dead in the City book is due and I’m about to dive back in to TALL, DARK, AND VAMPIRE.

See you around the web! 

Thank you, Sara, for sharing your day with us and for the great Giveaway!




Leave a comment and you could win 

a signed copy of


(Leave your email too!)




Congratulations, Antonia! 

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Pulse of Heroes by AJ Sweeny Giveaway WINNER!

(This giveaway is open to the residents of the U.S.)
 Read My Review of Pulse of Heroes

“Throughout all those years, nothing had changed when it came to beauty. Everyone craved it. Elliot wondered if that craving was more than just wanting to find a healthy, suitable partner. Perhaps somewhere in the human sub-consciousness everyone was searching for their maker,
 the image of perfection.” 

-Pulse of Heroes

Check out A.J. Sweeny's novels on

For more information, including excerpts, visit 

Find the Heroes on Facebook