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Wednesday, June 3, 2015

May's Blind Date with a Book Giveaway Winner

Hello there! I'm so glad you're back. First, I'd like to thank all of you who entered the giveaway last month. Today, I have a winner to announce...

The winner for the month of May's giveaway is Raeline Peterson. Congratulations, girlfriend! Raeline is now the proud owner of not one, but two signed books from Gracen Miller's Hot Wired Series-- one of my personal favorites might I add. Check out these gorgeous covers!

About the Series: 

Hot Wired is a new adult contemporary rocker romance series that takes us into the lives of its band members. The book series, which is named after the band, features plenty of steamy romance and witty dialogue with a glitzy Hollywood spark and just a hint of southern spice. You can read more about the Hot Wired Series on Gracen Miller's website 


you could mosey on over and 
grab your copy on 

*Check back soon for June's Blind Date with a Book Giveaway, and thanks for stopping by.