Blog Visits


Sunday, December 7, 2014

24 days of Christmas

Hello and welcome to the 24 days of Christmas Giveaway! Aside the fab raffle copter giveaway, you can also win an ebook copy of Creatura by commenting on this post with your answer to this question:  


About the Book:
Creatura (Creatura, #1)

Isis can control her dreams. Or she could—until recently. The creature in her nightmares has been haunting her for months. As if being dumped wasn’t bad enough, now she dreads going to sleep. She decides to confront the creature and win back some of her peace; only, she finds that he’s not a monster and he’s not a dream.

A sacrifice for love, a shocking discovery and a jealous ex-boyfriend blur the lines between reality and dreams, making it hard to tell who the real monsters are.

Who would’ve known…that sometimes love is lethal?



Sunday, November 30, 2014

I Have All of the Signed Books to Give Away!

Ok so maybe I don't have ALL of the signed books, but I do have 6 signed books by some of my favorite people and authors. In this Holiday giveaway bundle you'll find books and swag by Eva Pohler, Tera Lynn Childs, PJ Hoover, Kristen Day and myself. I had the pleasure of having a book signing with all these ladies this past month (November) at Barnes and Nobles in Pasadena, TX and snatched up some signed copies of their books. I hope you check out their pages and give 'em a follow. Tell them I sent you. ;) 

I hope you like the giveaway I've set up for you. Happy Holidays, everyone! 


Friday, November 28, 2014

Black Friday/Cyber Monday Sale!

Happy Post Thanksgiving Food Hangover!

I hope you and yours had a great day yesterday. I cooked loads and loads of food, including rack of lamb, fried, turkey, bourbon ham, broccoli cheese casserole, poblano fettuccine, candied yams, blueberry blackberry cheese cake, pumpkin pie... Well you get the idea. It was a lot of work, but worth it because we had a great dinner. 

You know what's the best part about the day after Thanksgiving--aside from leftovers? BLACK FRIDAY SALES! This year, I thought I'd join in the craze, not by going to the stores and elbowing people and being a victim of bargain shopper rage, but by offering my books at very discounted prices without the shopper violence. LOL! So, if you haven't had a chance to read my work, give it a go for a cheap 99 cents for Creatura, and follow up with Fruit of Misfortune for only $1.99. OR start your Holiday shopping early and gift these to a friend. Just click on the picture below to be directed to the sales site.  Have a great weekend! 


Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Aftermath by Sandy Goldsworthy

Title: Aftermath

Series: The AfterWorld Saga

Author: Sandy Goldsworthy

To Be Published: December 2nd, 2014

Publisher: Clean Teen Publishing

Page Count: 361

Genre: Paranormal Romance Action Adventure

Content Warning: Adult language, violence, and sexual content

Age Recommendation: 14+

After losing her father, Emma Bennett moves to her aunt’s small town of Westport to finish out her senior year of high school. Emma wants to forget the pain and loss of the past few weeks, finding relief in the company of Ben Parker—a local boy who she has an instant attraction and uncanny connection with. When Ben seems a little too preoccupied with other responsibilities and has no time for her, Emma turns to the town’s hottest flirt—Lucas Crandon—for affection. Unfortunately, she realizes a little too late that, sometimes, bad boys really can be bad for you.

Life as an undercover agent for the Afterworld’s Bureau of Investigation isn’t an easy job. When Ben Parker finds his soul mate, Emma, in a small town, he finds himself forced to choose between doing his job or rekindling a relationship with the love of his existence. After Ben is notified that a notorious immortal is loose somewhere near Westport, he realizes that his love life will just have to wait. There is a criminal to apprehend before he can have his girl.

When lives are at stake and immortals are on the loose, can two soul mates find their happy ever after?

About the Author

Sandy Goldsworthy was born and raised in a small Wisconsin town. Her passion for writing began when her high school English teacher inspired her to be more descriptive in her work. Today, Sandy is writing the second book of Emma and Ben’s story. When she’s not writing, Sandy enjoys spending time with her husband, Mike, and two children, Brittany and Kyle, or playing with her English Mastiff, Miles.


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Tuesday, November 4, 2014

White Chalk: Giveaway

White Chalk Blast Banner

White Chalk
TitleWhite Chalk
Author: Pavarti K Tyler
Published: July 2013
Word Count: 65,000
Genre: Literary Fiction, Coming of Age
Content Warning: Adult themes and sexual content
Age Recommendation: Sensitive sexual content. Not recommended for ages younger than 18.
Chelle isn’t a typical 13-year-old girl—she doesn’t laugh with friends, play sports, or hang out at the mall after school. Instead, she navigates a world well beyond her years.
Life in Dawson, ND spins on as she grasps at people, pleading for someone to save her—to return her to the simple childhood of unicorns on her bedroom wall and stories on her father’s knee.
When Troy Christiansen walks into her life, Chelle is desperate to believe his arrival will be her salvation. So much so, she forgets to save herself. After experiencing a tragedy at school, her world begins to crack, causing a deeper scar in her already fragile psyche.
Follow Chelle’s twisted tale of modern adolescence, as she travels down the rabbit hole into a reality none of us wants to admit actually exists.

White Chalk Sale

About the Author

Pavarti K Tyler

Award-winning author of multi-cultural and transgressive literature, Pavarti K. Tyler is an artist, wife, mother and number cruncher. She graduated Smith College in 1999 with a degree in Theatre. After graduation, she moved to New York, where she worked as a Dramaturge, Assistant Director and Production Manager on productions both on and off Broadway. Later, Pavarti went to work in the finance industry for several international law firms.
She now lives with her husband, two daughters, and two terrible dogs. She keeps busy working with fabulous authors as the Director of Marketing at Novel Publicity, and by penning her next novel.

Amazon | Facebook | Twitter | GoodReads | Website | Blog


Thursday, October 30, 2014

Funeral With A View by Matt Schiariti: Giveaway & Guest Post

About the Book
Title: Funeral with a View

Author: Matt Schiariti

Published: September 28th, 2014

Word Count: 101,000

Genre: Romance

Content Warning: Mild sexual content, minor profanity and adult themes

Age Recommendation: 18+

Thirty-two-year-old Richard Franchitti didn’t believe in love at first sight until he met free-spirited Catherine and started a brand new life. A devoted father and husband, Richard fought to keep his family together when it would have been easier to walk away.

Tragedy left him with unfinished business.

Now a disembodied spirit, Richard relives his most important days. From the beginnings of unconditional love, to the joy of his daughter’s birth, and all of the difficult times in between, each treasured moment brings him closer to answering the question:

“Why am I still here?”

He was born Richard Franchitti, but his friends call him Ricky. Welcome to his funeral.

Amazon | GoodReads

I’d met Catherine Maddox (now the widow Catherine Frachitti) through a friend of mine. My best friend, in point of fact. Bill Henly.
While they were dating.
That tidbit must sound inherently evil. There are rules, especially among guys. The Man Code, to be more specific. Every male on the planet is born with these rules branded into his DNA. Don’t date a friend’s ex, don’t have sex with a friend’s girlfriend, so on and so forth.
Let the record show that I am no home wrecker! Bill and Catherine had been seeing each other when I met her. Nothing serious, and for reasons only known to them, their relationship didn’t last. After Bill did the requisite guy thing (read: talked post-breakup smack about her), I did the right thing and asked him if he’d be okay with me asking her out.
The conversation went something like this:
Me: So, you’re not dating Cat anymore, huh?
Bill: Nope.
Me: Um, would it be cool if I asked her out?
Bill: Yeah, sure.
It was a conversation for the ages. A manly conversation of epic proportions. It may seem flimsy to an outsider, but to guys it was volumes’ worth.
I let the breakup embers fade, and a few weeks later, when I’d mustered up the testicular fortitude, I asked Catherine out. After a moment’s thought, she said yes. And the rest, as they say, is history.
Dating Catherine put no apparent stress on my relationship with Bill. Good looking in an All-American way, he never lacked for female companionship. At six-foot-five and almost as broad, he towered over my meager five-foot-eight. He’d played football in high school and college, earning an athletic scholarship to Princeton University, but blew out his knee in his second year. His spare time no longer filled with practices and games, he hunkered down and focused on his studies which paved the way to his future career as a financial advisor. Still, he remained an ever faithful workout freak. The combination of good looks, muscular build, and his large salary lured many a willing woman into his bed. Catherine was no exception, but that wasn’t entirely Bill’s doing.
The story is a simple one. Back in the day the three of us were nigh inseparable. Catherine and I were always double-dating with Bill and his love du jour. Even if he wasn’t seeing anybody (the exception to the rule), the three of us would go out to eat, see movies, hang out on lawn chairs in the summer drinking concoctions with little umbrellas in them.
It was on one such occasion when things took a change for the pornographic. I’ll never forget that day as long as I live. Or as long as I’m dead.
That day is where this story truly starts.

About the Author
Matt Schiariti is an Engineeer by profession, guitar legend in his own mind, and would-be author, time permitting. When he’s not writing, he’s reading. When he’s not reading, he’s enjoying a beer sporting a fancy name on the label. When he’s not enjoying a fancy-named beer, he’s most likely reading some more. Sometimes he does all three at once, to disastrous effect.

Matt lives in southern New Jersey with his wife, two children, and insane dog. Funeral with a View is his second published novel, but not his last.

You have been warned.

Guest Post
First off, I want to thank Nely Cab for taking part in the Funeral with a View blog tour. I appreciate the opportunity to post on your page.
Today’s topic is, “What do you think about this book being turned into a movie?”
What writer wouldn’t want to see their novel adapted to film, am I right? I can picture it now: Fame, fortune, swimming in an oversized tub filled with gold doubloons, lighting cigars with hundred dollar bills even though I don’t smoke cigars but would anyway just for the simple fact that I could, red carpets, hobnobbing with the Hollywood elite, winning the “Greatest Book to be Turned Into a Movie EVAR” Award, interviews with my old English teachers from high school in which they take credit for my literary genius even though I rarely participated in class, people coming out of the woodwork and claiming I owe them money. Good times. Good times indeed.
Now that I’ve taken a moment to get my head out of the clouds, I may as well discuss why I think it could be a movie.
Funeral with a View is a character driven story that takes readers on a journey through the last ten years of Richard Franchitti’s life. He’s a father, a husband, a hard worker. He’s also dead. Therein lies the twist. I killed off my main character at the beginning of the book. Don’t worry, this is hardly a spoiler as the description comes right out and says he’s a disembodied spirit. And it is a romance, make no mistake about that. How can that be? Well, Ricky’s tethered to his body and ends up observing his own funeral. As he does so, he flashes back on poignant moments in his life and tries to figure out why he hasn’t moved on. Something’s keeping him here. Will he find out what it is? The result is a rollercoaster of emotions as Ricky gives you a front row seat to both the best and worst times in his life. Love, hate, happiness, sadness, loss … as the old Ragu commercial says, “It’s in there.” The romance is in Rick’s life and how he lived it, from falling in love, to becoming a father, and all points in between.
One person who was kind enough to read and review the book compared it to The Lovely Bones and If I Stay. Those books (which I have never read, nor have I seen the movie adaptations) were made into smash hit movies, so why couldn’t Funeral with a View be turned into one? Maybe the timing is perfect and this blog topic is a portent of things to come! Or maybe it’s just pure coincidence. Time will tell. Still, what sets this apart from other books in its genre, I think, are the characters. They’re people you know, normal folks dealing with a host of problems that could happen to anybody. There are no billionaires, musical prodigies, geniuses of any kind. They may remind you of someone you know or someone you’re related to. They could be a friend of yours. They could have gone through something you’ve gone through yourself. That’s why I think people can not only relate to the book, but would be receptive to a film adaptation. It would be like viewing a friend’s life story told in moving pictures.
How would I go about getting it made? That one’s simple. Reverting back to my earlier pipe-dream state, Christopher Nolan calls me up and tells me he’s read my book and he simply must make it into a movie. In fact, he goes so far as to tell me he’ll up and quit the whole business if he can’t work with me. Not to seem too eager, I’d let him sweat it out for a bit before I said yes. Once we establish our partnership, I let him run with it because he’s a frickin’ genius, and that’s all there is to that.

So now you know what I think about Funeral with a View being turned into a movie. I’m sure you’ll all be able to sleep better at night knowing my feelings on the subject. Until such time as I’m fortunate enough to see my novel turned into film, perhaps you’d like to read it and let the movie projector of your mind put images to my words. Movies are great, but nothing’s better than our own imaginations, wouldn’t you say?


Monday, October 27, 2014

This weekend is the Houston Area Toga Party & Author Event!

Dear Readers, People of the World, and Universal Species of all kinds:

I probably should've blogged about this earlier. Someone remind me to make an events page on the blog and my website. Where's my PA when I need her? Anyhow, I wanted to let you know that my very first Barnes and Noble book signing is taking place on Saturday, November 1st. I should probably make it a point to have more of these too. Where's my PA, again? 

I would LOVE to see you there, and so would my  partners in Greek Togas. Event details follow...

TIME: 3:00-6:00PM
DATE: November 1, 2014
Hide Map
PLACE: Barnes & Noble Booksellers
5656 Fairmont Pkwy, Pasadena, Texas 77505

Join us for a fun filled party celebrating everything Greek and Mythology themed. There will be a toga/mythology themed costume contest (family friendly please), and the authors will be picking their favorites. 

Authors that will be present at the event (*subject to change):

Nely Cab
Tera Lynn Childs
Author Kristen Day

Eva Pohler
P. J. Hoover

All the fun things we have planned:
3PM-3:30PM Meet and Greet. The authors will also be helping readers find teams for the awesome games!

3:30 PM Working in teams, readers play Greek Mythology Bingo.

3:45 PM Working in teams, readers play Greek Mythology Pictionary.

4:00 PM Working in teams, readers play Greek Mythology Jeopardy.

4:15 PM Author panel where you can learn about them and their books. And then onto a Q&A.

Following the author panel they will be signing copies of their books.

Barnes & Noble will have copies of each authors books on hand for sale.

Friday, October 17, 2014

The Last Orphans Blitz - Giveaway

The Last Orphans Blitz Banner

~ About the Book ~

The Last Orphans
Title: The Last Orphans
Series: The Last Orphans Series #1
Author: N.W. Harris
Published: October 17th, 2014
Publisher: Clean Teen Publishing
Page Count: 274
Genre: YA Apocalyptic Sci-Fi
Content Warning: Violence, adult content, minor language
Age Recommendation: 16+

~ Synopsis ~

One horrifying day will change the life of sixteen-year-old Shane Tucker and every other kid in the world.
In a span of mere hours, the entire adult population is decimated, leaving their children behind to fend for themselves and deal with the horrific aftermath of the freak occurrence. As one of the newly made elders in his small town, Shane finds himself taking on the role of caretaker for a large group of juvenile survivors. One who just happens to be Kelly Douglas--an out-of-his-league classmate--who, on any other day, would have never given Shane a second glance.
Together, they begin their quest to find out why all of the adults were slaughtered. What they find is even more horrifying than anything they could have expected--the annihilation of the adults was only the beginning. Shane and his friends are not the unlucky survivors left to inherit this new, messed-up planet. No, they are its next victims. There is an unknown power out there, and it won t stop until every person in the world is dead.
A spine-tingling adventure that will have you gasping for breath all the way until the last page, The Last Orphans is the first book in an all-new apocalyptic series.

~ About the Author ~

NW Harris
Born at the end of the Vietnam war and raised on a horse farm near small town north Georgia, N.W. Harris's imagination evolved under the swaying pines surrounding his family’s log home. On summer days that were too hot, winter days that were too cold, and every night into the wee morning hours, he read books.
N.W. Harris published his first novel—Joshua's Tree—in 2013. It was no wonder that with his wild imagination and passion for all things word related, that N.W. Harris was named a quarter finalist in Amazon's Break Through Novel Award Contest. In early 2014, N.W. Harris joined the ranks with Clean Teen Publishing when they signed his new young adult apocalyptic adventure series—The Last Orphans.
In addition to writing, N.W. Harris has been a submarine sailor, nurse, and business owner. His studies have included biology, anthropology, and medicine at UCSB and SUNY Buffalo. He is an active member of SCBWI and lives in sunny southern California with his beautiful wife and two perfect children. He writes like he reads, constantly.

~ Excerpt ~

Light faded from the gloomy heavens as Shane climbed over his aunt and out of the passenger side of the cab. Ominous green clouds still choked the sky, but the air was calm and quiet. He walked a few yards away and turned around, staring absently at the wreckage and wanting to die. The truck door hung open, his aunt’s swollen feet sticking out. Crippling numbness overtook him, pressing in on all sides, as if he were being buried in wet cement. It invaded his mind, drowning his thoughts, and leaving only dejected questions that no one could answer. What was he supposed to do now? Why did he have to still be alive when everyone he loved was being taken from him?
“Help!” A girl’s hysterical voice ripped through his viscous daze like a bullet through a soda can. “Can you please? Help!”
The voice was pitched with agony and grief, but also very familiar.
Shane pivoted, the weight of his aunt’s nightmarish demise making it hard to move.
Two girls ran up the Douglas’ long, gravel driveway toward him. The taller one’s tangled, blonde hair billowed behind her. She wore cutoff blue jeans and a baggy, white T-shirt with crimson paint smeared across her chest. She dragged a shorter version of herself by the hand behind her as she ran. It took a second for Shane to register who it was.
“Kelly?” he shouted, his voice hoarse with shock. Struggling to break free of the catatonic state threatening to turn him into stone, he jogged heavily down the driveway to meet her.
“They killed my dad and my mom!” she shrieked, her eyes wild and her gaze darting like she expected some horror to jump out of the fields and attack her. “They went berserk and trampled them!”
“Wait—slow down.” Shane grabbed her shoulders to steady her. Her distress tore his mind away from the despair seeping through every part of his body, starving him for breath and welding his joints together. “Who killed your parents?” He realized the red on her clothes was fresh blood.

~ Giveaway ~

HALLOWEEN/DAY of the DEAD GIVEAWAY and odd things

Hello All!

I was lazy to post all of this craziness, so I decided to upload a video instead. I have to warn you... I've reached another level of weirdness that even I'm surprised by. As for the giveaway, the video tells you all about the sugar skulls, Pan de Muerto, Edgar Allen Poe's seduction techniques, and nut allergies. Trust me, the video tells it all.


Thursday, October 16, 2014

The Siren by Meg Xuemei X: Giveaway

Title: The Siren

Series: Laments of Angels and Dark Chemistry # 1

Author: Meg Xuemei X

Published: August 9th, 2014

Word Count: 80,000

Genre: YA Fantasy Romance Action Adventure

Two boys tied to her irrevocably. One offers life disguised as death; the other leads to death with unfathomable love. Her choice decides whether the world turns or ends.

Lucienne Lam, born to rule as the last of the Sirens, is running out of time. If she fails to find the TimeDust, an ancient power, her enemies will have their wish–her head on a spike. And she’ll never know the love promised by Vladimir, a fierce warrior of the Czech royal bloodline.

Except Ashburn, a genius ‘farm boy,’ has found the TimeDust first, and its power binds Lucienne to him. She must convince him to sever this forced bond so she can return to her first love. But breaking the link seems insurmountable when the TimeDust launches its own ominous agenda and the two boys prepare to duel to the death over her.

Vladimir reacted instantly, catching her before she hit the wall. The impact drove them both to the ground. “I’m glad you’re on top,” said Vladimir with another groan. “I absorbed most of the hit.”
“That’s very kind of you.” Lucienne turned to Vladimir, their faces inches away. His warm breath and pheromone made her forget where she was. Rushing footsteps brought her to her senses.
“Yes, Lucia?” he whispered, his hands pressing against the small of her back.
“We’ve been discovered.”
“I know. But there’s no need for them to yell. That’s kind of rude.”
“They’re not yelling.”
“No, but they will.”
About the Author:
Meg Xuemei X is an award-winning author. She grew up in a backward, southern town in China, went to college in Akron, and dropped out from Tisch School.

She’s the author of Laments of Angels & Dark Chemistry series. Her science fiction novel, Ghost Star, was published by the China Federation of Literature Publishing House. Her romance novella, Dance with Your Enemy, won an International Editorial Award.

She lives in Sherman Oaks, California.

She’d love for you to sign up to her mailing list at

Amazon Author Page | Facebook | Twitter | GoodReads | Website


Monday, October 13, 2014

BLITZ: Unless you can be a Unicorn by Delphina Henley

Unless You Can Be A Unicorn Banner
Happy Release Week Sale!!!  Only $.99 for one week only!
Unless you can be aUnicorn_high
Always be yourself... that was the last advice Scout's Grandma Nora gave her before she died. Scout has spent her life trying to be anything but, but she has a chance to start anew as she moves several states away to college. She had always thought the glowing aura she saw around some people was a childhood fancy, but when it starts coming back just as she's starting her new life, she learns there was much hidden about who she truly is.
Thankfully, she has a motley crew to help her along the way: a spunky bookseller, a trustworthy pub owner, a commanding grandmother, a possible best friend, and a hot rocker boy who only has eyes for her.
Unless You Can Be A Unicorn is a New Adult Paranormal Romance with content appropriate for a Young Adult audience.
Unless you can be aUnicorn_Final
Giveaway: Be sure to enter to win a Ginormous Gift Pack of Awesome including a GC, Books, swag and more :You can check out the prize pack on the FB Release Day Extravaganza page and join the fun!

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Infinite Ink Authors Birthday Extravaganza: giveaway

 photo Infinite-Ink-Extravaganza-Banner.png
 photo Infinite-Ink-Books.png
~ Treehugger ~
~ The Torturer’s Daughter ~
~ Contributor ~
~ Fevered Souls ~
~ The Breeders ~
~ The Scourge ~
~ Daynight ~
~ Virulent ~
Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Goodreads Meet the Authors 
 photo Infinite-Ink-Authors.png
~ Kea Alwang ~
~ Zoe Cannon ~
~ Nicole Ciacchella ~
~ SK Falls ~
~ Katie French ~
~ AG Henley ~
~ Ash Krafton ~
~ Megan Thomason ~
~ Shelbi Wescott ~
Giveaway Details:
There is a tour wide giveaway. Prizes include the following:
  • $10 Amazon gift card (INT)
  • Winner’s choice of a Kindle Fire HD or Kindle Paperwhite (US only) or if winner is INT, winner’s choice of $119 PayPal Cash or Amazon gift card.
Please note that Juniper Grove Book Solutions is not responsible for the handling/sending of the Kindle giveaway.

 photo JGBSBanner.gif

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Lost in the Beat Book Release and Giveaway!

Available Now!

Rhythm is the heart of every song.

Jase Collins lives for the stage and the perks of rock stardom. His wild antics and high-profile affairs have earned the sexy drummer the title of Hot Wired’s bad boy. He’s not quite as jaded as his fans think—but just jaded enough not to recognize the best thing that’s ever happened to him until she walks out of his life. And he doesn’t even know her name.

But without harmony a man is lost.

Fallon Morgan has had her life mapped out since high school. She’s earned a full ride scholarship to UCLA with the driving goal of earning her doctorate. Nothing can derail her dreams—except maybe a one-night stand with the infamous Jase Collins. His chilly reception the morning after convinces her to put her biggest mistake in the past and move on without looking back.

When two hearts begin to beat as one…
When Fallon’s life takes a dramatic turn, she finds herself with no one else to turn to for help. Jase is obnoxious, demanding, and yet surprisingly tender. Though it chafes her to depend on him, the more time she spends with him changes her perceptions of the bad boy rocker. With each passing day she finds more and more faith in the man behind the public persona. If she can learn to trust her feelings, she might be willing to risk her heart.

They could find themselves Lost in the Beat!

Every cell in Fallon’s body wanted to rebel on principal. Like the good girl she was, she succumbed to Jase’s demands. “Do you ever not get what you want?”
“Yeah.” He stepped right into her personal space, knocking his very naked chest against her breasts.
The way her nipples protruded upon contact, they might as well have been naked against his flesh. The simultaneous dampness in her panties unnerved her. Damn her traitorous body! She ignored the pulsing between her thighs and coerced her libido to focus on him and not her body’s yearnings.
He lifted his hand and wrapped his fingers around her ponytail. A slow, gentle pull on her hair and he notched her head back. “Twice last year I didn’t get what I wanted.” He sounded put out by the inconvenience.
Proof he lives a charmed life! That was as good as always getting his way in her valuation. She’d endured many more disappointments than that in the past year.
His sapphire-blue eyes looked black in the dim lighting. “Care to know what those two were?”
If she said no, then he’d suspect she predicted those disappointments centered on her.
“I’ll take your silence as a yes. Number one…I didn’t want Sam and Fang together.” Surprised, her eyes widened at his confession. The tabloids would pay good money for that juicy tidbit. “Didn’t think they were right for one another. Gave them a lot of hell for that.” He shrugged. “My accident—you heard about that, right?” At her nod, he went on. “It reminded me how short life is, so I gave them my blessing to be together.”
Fallon licked her lips, suspecting his sister hadn’t really needed his blessing to do what she wanted. “It was the right thing to do.”
A humorous glint sparkled in his eyes. “I’m not known for doing the right thing, darlin’. Like now.”
She frowned. “What do you mean?”
He adjusted his hand, sliding it along her ponytail, before burying his fingers into the coil of her strands beneath the snug grip of the rubber band. His other arm curled around her shoulders, drawing her tight against his frame. Her heart pounded in her ears, and he smelled good.
Jase nipped her bottom lip and at her sharp gasp, he took advantage and slid his tongue into her mouth. The cool minty taste of him verified he’d taken the time to brush his teeth.
Her eyelids fluttered shut, and she groaned upon his first contact, a slow drag of his tongue against hers. The immediate surge of wetness that drenched her panties scandalized her.
Her eyelids snapped open, and she spied him watching her. Fine lines creased the corners of his eyes. Again and again his tongue caressed hers, reminding her how he’d licked her breasts and between her legs.
More moisture dampened her panties, and her passage clenched in need. She compressed her thighs, but that action caused her ache to grow instead of abate as she’d intended. He withdrew from her mouth, and she almost botched stifling her groan of disappointment. Awed by the effect Jase asserted over her body, she stared at his lips. She’d lost all sense of restraint when he’d put them on her.
Just like the first time.
“You were the second thing I wanted last year.” He removed his arm from her shoulders and ran his thumb along her jaw. “I had private investigators search for you, but they repeatedly came up empty-handed.”
Stunned by the admission, she wasn’t sure what to make of it or if she even believed him. “Why’d you have P.I.’s looking for me?”
“Because you’re the one that got away.”
Jase looked serious. He didn’t flinch away from her direct stare. Didn’t grin, didn’t even blink. But the idea that she was ‘the one that got away’ was ludicrous…Fallon snorted, calling bullshit. She bet he said that to every woman he wanted to screw. While he could have his pick of women, she was a convenient lay.
I am no one’s dupe.
“This chick isn’t stupid enough to believe that line.”
A flash of hurt pinched his features. His mouth parted as if he’d say something, but he settled for shaking his head and dragging his fingers through his hair.
Their sultry spell demolished, she watched him, refusing to allow herself to regret her callous honesty. He could have any woman he wanted, but she wasn’t for sale.
Jase released his hold on her and picked up the keys and cell she’d dropped on the floor. He placed them on the counter and met her gaze dead-on. “You’re obviously not as intelligent as I thought you were either.”

Gracen is a hopeless daydreamer masquerading as a “normal” person in southern society. When not writing, she’s a full-time basketball/lacrosse/guitar mom for her two sons and a devoted wife to her real-life hero-husband of over twenty years. She has an unusual relationship with her muse, Dom, but credits all her creative success to his brilliant mind. She’s addicted to writing, paranormal romance novels and movies, Alabama football, and coffee...addictions are not necessarily in order of priority. She’s convinced coffee is nectar from the gods and when blending coffee and writing together it generates the perfect creative merger. Many of her creative worlds are spawned from coffee highs and Dom’s aggressive demands. To learn more about Gracen or to leave her a comment, visit her website at