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Monday, August 6, 2012

A Day in the Life Madison Daniel + GIVEAWAY!

Hello and welcome to "A Day in the Life of..."©, a featured guest post exclusive to my blog that's published on Mondays and sometimes, on Thursdays. On these two days, a spotlight guest will share a normal day in their lives, giving us insight on their thoughts, projects, interests, obsessions and more. Occasionally, and if we're lucky, they'll even throw in a giveaway.

And now on with the show...

Madison Daniel on Goodreads
Music is LIFE and the written word is our SOUL. Music and writing have been my true ambition since I was a child. I have used music in every form possible; writing it, performing it, healing with it, etc. I call it my "life's soundtrack." I have always written in some form; from comic books to screenplays to short stories and now the new series "Ember." I have found a true passion for my stories and characters 
and am eager to share them with the world. See you on the next book tour...M.D.

Connect with Madison Daniel:



Day Night in the Life...
My name is Madison Daniel and I am a victim of my DNA. An insomniac @ heart. A Creatura of the night. 
When approached by the amazing and fabulous Nely Cab to be a part of her special blog, I knew I had to do something different. A day in the life of this author/rockstar consists of short days and very long nights courtesy of everyones favorite nighttime pest...INSOMNIA.
So, here’s a peek @ what makes me tick, what makes me hungry and what makes me dance. Let’s do this...

6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
(I call this my “wake up” phase...)

The evening always starts with some kind of physical lunacy. Get the blood pumping. Get my mojo on track. For those who didn’t know, I am a dancing machine. SHAMONE!!!

8:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m.
(I call this my “80’s” phase...)

I crave Chinese food continually. Fried rice, noodles, spicy beef, orange chicken...mmmmm... It has become an unnatural addiction, I know. I spent my whole life avoiding Chinese food, not sure why BUT about a year ago an urge hit me. Hit me hard. I’ve embraced my chopstick yearning and become quite the regular @ my local Chinese restaurants and Panda Express. Bring on the food you big and beautiful black n white bear!!! NOM! NOM! NOM! NOM!

10:00 p.m. - Midnight
(My “rocker” phase...)

I usually realize around this time that “insomnia” is on the prowl and instead of fighting it, I should embrace it. So, I put on some music and wait for my muse. How I am going to channel the nights creative juices depends on the musical playlist of the night. Writing, drawing, painting, recording music in my personal studio...

Midnight - 4:00 a.m.
(The “new hotness” phase...)

My most productive time. The night is alive. The music is loud. My dreams are in overdrive. Tonight, I wrote about a certain fire-starter (Max Valentine) and his first official “date.” It’s a short story for my upcoming Ember prequel, ASHES. This first date does not go well and will give the Ember Heads insight into why he runs from love. Hides his heart.
Second half of this “phase” included working on some new promotional art for an upcoming release (YOU’LL SEE SOON!) and some finishing touches on the back cover of Downpour: Book Two in the Ember saga.

4:00 a.m. - 6:00 a.m.
(It’s my “wind down” phase...)

The sun is close. Sleep is needed but far away. Feeling spent and usually a little restless, this phase can be tough. The right music can help though. I know that the internet will be calling me soon. Facebook, Twitter, Google+, blogs and emails galore. I can usually wrestle a few hours of sleep before I give in to them. Depending on how hectic the morning is, usually determines how the following night will unfold. If insomnia comes for me again, then we shall dance once more.
I am a soldier for my writing. I am constantly chasing my muse. I love all arts. I live by one simple thought...

“Music is life and the written word is our soul.” ~ M

Read my Review

Thank you, Madison, for sharing your day night with us and thank you, readers for taking the time to stop by. I hope that you've enjoyed today's 
"A Day in the Life of..."

Tune in next Monday when my featured guest will be 

Don't forget to enter the 

 R o C k I n'
 G   I   V   E   A   W   A   Y! 

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. So cool, I had no idea that Madison is actually a vampire in disguise. Daytime is overrated anyway. (^_^)
    Oh, and P.S.: Thank you for the Giveaway and for hosting such an unique post.

  2. I wish I could win this so I could read it!

    thanks for everything

  3. Madison and Nely,you rock!You're my favourites authors!xoxox

  4. Thanks for such an awesome giveaway and love the post

  5. Awesome post and giveaway! Thank you Nely and thank you Madison.

  6. Thank you Nely and Madison :) You are both amazing! As you know, I love these "A Day in the Life of..." posts. Thank you for the giveaway and I can't wait to read "Beyond The Never".

  7. thanks for the awesome giveaway and thank you Madison you rock can't wait to read the book:)

  8. Totally awesome contest!!! Thank you!! Fingers crossed. hoping I win. : )

  9. Thanks Nely for the giveaway! Madison is beyond amazing and you two are the sweetest and cutest authors (if you don't know what I mean, just check their Facebook pages :D )! I <3 you!
