Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Wishing You Happy Holidays (plus a GIVEAWAY!)

Hiya, guys! 

The Holidays are here and 2012 will soon be gone. I've had a wonderful year getting to know new people online and in the real world. 

A Quick Recap of 2012:
My book, Creatura, was picked up by a wonderful foreign publisher. I took some great trips that inspired my muse and I'm sure I'll be able to use the experiences in my writing. Best of all, I was able to give back to the fans by having lots and lots of giveaways! 

My year wasn't entirely fun filled, though. There was lots of work to be done, and there were also some sad times that I won't dwell on. But let's keep our focus on the good times, shall we? 

My Wishes for You:
I hope that your year was as wonderful as mine and that the year to come is even better. I love reading your posts and comments on all my social networks and hope that you'll continue to share them with me. 

Thank you for your company, your support and your time. May the spirit of this Holiday Season stay with you through out the coming year, and may you have the Happiest of Holidays! 


P.S. I included a giveaway and it's international! Good luck! 


a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Honestly? It probably wont happen, but I wish to win the lottery! lol I also wish that my family stays happy and healthy.
    Thanks for another awesome giveaway Nely!

  2. Lots of new and awesome books to discover! :)

  3. Success in my career, good friends and good new books ^^

    Thanks for the giveaway ^^

  4. In 2013, I'm hoping to get offered a paying job within my major, a chance to escape from the evil creature (not a man) that heads the department for my major at school, and to find a boyfriend.

  5. Honestly, 2013 HAS to be better than 2012! My hubby is self employed. We own a Lawncare & Snowplowing business. With a summer drought & no snow, we need money! SO I would LOVE to win the lottery or get a 2" snowstorm 3 times a week until Spring! Not much to ask for in the new year is it? (sorry to be a downer)!!

    Wishing you LOTS of book luck in 2013 and the years to come Nely! Not that you need it though. You are an AMAZING writer!!!!!

  6. I wish in 2013 that my husband gets a much needed raise from his job. That his boss will appreciate all the work he does a whole lot more as the job is slowly wearing my husband down and he is only 28. For myself to read and review all the books on my list and to finally be able to read your book Creatura.

  7. I hope that 2013 is better for my best friend. She had a very bad year last year and I pray that it is a better year for her.

  8. I hope for no more surgeries this year, lol. In July, I broke two bones in my ankle and had to have two metal pins and a screw to fix it. Then, a couple weeks before Christmas, I had surgery again to remove my gallbladder and fix an umbilical hernia that I was born with, which was aggravated by my two pregnancies. And my sister had a c-section in August, less than a month after I broke my ankle. Whew! I'm so done with surgeries for this coming year! >.<

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