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Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Cover Reveal: Rockin the Heart by Gracen Miller

Title: Rockin' the Heart
Author: Gracen Miller
Genre: New Adult
Expected Release: January 23, 2014

If music nourishes the soul…

Loved by millions, but shunned by blood, Heath “Fang” Fangor has led his band, Hot Wired, to the top while others have fallen by the wayside. He devoted his life to music, and from that devotion harvested a new family—his band mates and fans.

A man can desire nothing else…or can he?

Living in the shadow of her brother’s fame sucks! Sam Collins is desperate to have what she wants—a simple and uncomplicated life. She’s no stranger to scandals and how they work. Now that she’s inadvertently dragged Fang into the center of her latest gossip, could the scandal she created in her quest for freedom have gone too far?

Amid stardom the heart stages a new melody…

Fang has more fame and fortune than he will ever need, but none of that matters if he can’t have the woman of his dreams. Years have been wasted waiting for the right moment to approach the woman his heart desires above all others. There’s just one major problem...she’s his best friend’s sister. To have her, he will have to risk it all.

That might be responsible for Rockin the Heart!


Gracen is a hopeless daydreamer masquerading as a “normal” person in southern society.  When not writing, she’s a full-time basketball/football/guitar mom for her two sons and a devoted wife to her real-life hero-husband. She’s addicted to writing, paranormal romance novels, movies, Alabama football and coffee…addictions are not necessarily in order of priority. She is convinced coffee is nectar from the gods and blending coffee and writing together generates the perfect creative merger. Many of her creative worlds are spawned from coffee highs. To learn more about Gracen and her writing or to leave her a comment, visit her at the following sites:

Gracen on Goodreads:  

Monday, December 9, 2013

Jingle All the Way Book Sale and Giveaway!

The very wonderful Jaidis Shaw has put together a great event this week and just in time for my birthday, which is TODAY! Take a look at the spectacular books we're showcasing and pick up one or all of them! Don't forget to scroll all the way down for the fab giveaway!
Just in case you're wondering, I'm 97 years old today, but I don't look a day over 89. 

Mystical High
Get your copy of Mystical High on Kindle!

In Mystekal, a small, dying town in the Southern California desert, only 75 students attend the old, sometimes creepy high school dubbed “Mystical High,” where strange things have been known to happen. Jessie Dalworth and Jinxsy Patterson are juniors and lifelong best friends. At home, Jessie deals with the pain of an absentee mother who has abandoned the family for the lure of Hollywood; Jinxsy contends with a 17th “birthday present” she never wanted or expected.
Meanwhile, at school, the unexplained activity begins to escalate when Jinxsy keeps seeing a long-haired guy in the hallway checking her out. Jessie can’t see him, but her younger brother, River, can.
Then, in English class, a stapler mysteriously flies off teacher Eve Carrow’s desk, hitting a student in the face who has just mouthed off to her. The beloved teacher is in the unenviable position of having her brute of a father as principal, so she hates sending any student to his office. As Principal Ernest Carrow begins to terrorize Eve and others more openly, something or someone unseen decides that it’s payback time.
School is getting stranger, and Jinxsy and Jessie are faced with mind-boggling changes in their home lives that complicate everything. When a string of shocking events expose explosive secrets, decades-long mysteries are finally revealed.
CONTENT WARNING: Mild sexual content and non-gratuitous profanity. Recommended age: 14+

Get your copy of Creatura on Kindle!

Isis can control her dreams. Or she could—until recently. The creature in her nightmares has been haunting her for months. As if being dumped wasn’t bad enough, now she dreads going to sleep. She decides to confront the creature and win back some of her peace; only, she finds that he’s not a monster and he’s not a dream.
A sacrifice for love, a shocking discovery and a jealous ex-boyfriend blur the lines between reality and dreams, making it hard to tell who the real monsters are.
Who would’ve known…that sometimes love is lethal?

In My Dreams
Get your copy of In My Dreams on Kindle!

It was happening again. The dreams. The nightmares. It was something that seventeen year-old Elizabeth Hayes thought she’d outgrown; dreams that would come true; detailed premonitions of how people would die. This time she dreams about her boyfriend, Michael Young, and soon discovers that he has been found… dead.
He has not crossed over because he was murdered, and now the murderer is after Lizzy. His spirit won’t rest until she is safe. As a newbie spirit, the easiest way for him to make contact is through Lizzy’s dreams. When she dreams, it’s as if he hasn’t died.
Lizzy must learn to pull on her inner strength to survive horrifying events, and is faced with a most difficult decision. Would she risk her life to save her best friend and the very person responsible for Michael’s death?
Meanwhile, Michael learns everything he can about his supernatural gifts to help. But will it be enough to save her?
Recommended for young adult readers. In My Dreams is a YA Paranormal Romance.

Destiny Awaits
Get your copy of Destiny Awaits on Kindle!

Twenty-year-old Alayna Scott receives visions around water, but even her foresight couldn’t prepare her for the tragic accident that claimed the lives of her parents. With everything she loves gone, Alayna packs up and moves to the small town of Juniper Grove in hopes of starting over.
Jayden McKnight can’t explain the attraction that he feels whenever Alayna is near, but he does know that he will do whatever it takes to win her heart. When a vampire selects Alayna as his next victim, Jayden will stop at nothing to ensure her safety – even if that means bringing Alayna into a world that she never knew existed.
Love blossoms, challenges are made and Alayna will find herself fighting not only to survive, but to understand what she has become.

~ Giveaway ~

And now time for the giveaway! I’d like to thank Lisette, Nely, and Cameo for offering up prizes for the giveaway! In addition, I’d like to give a special shout out to fellow author Ace Antonio Hall, author of the YA horror novel The Confessions of Sylva Slasher, for granting me access to his Zombie Pop store! Head on over to his Facebook and Twitter and give him a like/follow. His store has awesome clothing and accessories for the zombie lover in all of us!

Sunday, December 1, 2013

All I want for Christmas

My friend, Sylvia, made a little video about what she wants for Christmas. The back up dancer is her brother. Thanks for the video, guys! 

99 cent SALE!

Hiya guys! 

I have a treat for you! Because this is my birthday month and the holidays are my favorite time of year, my books Creatura and Deus are both on sale for 99 cents

is available on Amazon and Barnes and Noble and is a spinoff novella of Creatura. You don't have to have read Creatura to follow the story, since it's astory on its own. 

Creatura is available on Kobo, Barnes & Noble (Nook), Apple/iTunes iBooks, and Amazon for a variety of reading devices, including Kindle. 



Tuesday, November 26, 2013

ARV-3 by Cameo Renae

Title: ARV-3
Author: Cameo Renae
Genre: YA Post-Apocalyptic/Dystopian
Release Date: October 29, 2013
Publisher: CHBB
Cover Design: Regina Wamba at Mae I Design Photograpy
Tour Host: Lady Amber's Tours

June 6, 2014: The beginning of the end. The Apocalypse.
A nuclear fallout wiped out every living thing on the planet, except for a few thousand of us who took shelter in underground bunkers across the globe. Now, after thirteen long years, we were finally able to return to the topside to begin to rebuild.
We thought we were alone. We were never more wrong.
Before the fallout, scientists had worked on creating an anti-radiation vaccine (ARV). The first two attempts failed, but despite the incomplete tests and results, the government approved and distributed the third serum to the masses in an effort to aid those who had no shelter.
It worked, keeping those who remained on the topside alive, but it also altered and mutated them. This new and infectious threat had completely outnumbered us. Now, we not only had to rebuild our planet. We would have to fight for it.
My name is Abigail Park. I’m seventeen, and this is my story.

Author Bio:

My family is what keeps my heart beating, and my world a happy place to be.

I love reading great books that whisk me away from reality, even if for a little while. :) Writing is my passion. I love creating new worlds and new characters, and taking wondrous adventures with them.

In My Dreams & Hidden Wings were both recently published through Crushing Hearts and Black Butterfly Publishing. Descent (A Hidden Wings novella) will be released May 15, 2013, and Broken Wings (Book 2 in the Hidden Wings Series) will be released June 1, 2013.

One day I will find my magic wardrobe, and ride away on my magical unicorn... ♥ Until then... I'll keep writing! ;)

Follow Cameo on:
Twitter: @CameoRenae

Sunday, November 24, 2013

My Totally Awesome Comic Con Experience

Hi there!

I never blog about my trips or experiences. However, this trip and experience is one worth blogging about because it was so much fun!

Austin Comic Con was held this past weekend, Nov. 22-24, 2013. My son is a huge wrestling fan and we knew John Cena would be there. Our goal was to get the kid (that's what I call him) to meet one of his heroes. 

Upon arrival, it was chaos and madness. Although we had been there the previous year and knew how it all worked, this year the convention center was extremely crowded. After about 45 minutes of waiting in line for our tickets, we finally made it through the doors and into the convention. We wasted no time in heading toward the photos and autographs section of the con. Right as we walk up, who do I spy? Ralph Macchio! However, he was ready to leave the booth to go speak on a panel and the line for photos and autographs had been closed off. Sigh. Maybe next year, Karate Kid. 

We walked, squeezing our way a little further down the aisle when I saw someone that I had been wanting to meet. Although I knew he'd been scheduled to appear, I was surprised to see that I hadn't missed my chance to meet James Marsters. The reason I was excited to see him there was because a few months ago, Isis, one of my street team members and a huge Buffy the Vampire Slayer fan, asked if I would send her a signed copy of my book to give to James Marsters for his daughter. Of course, I said yes. Soon after, she contacted me to tell me she had hand delivered the copy. I was happy and excited then. 

I observed Mr. Marsters signing and taking pictures with his fans. He took the time to talk to each of them. "He seems nice enough," I thought, and I joined the rest of the fans in line. When it was my turn to meet him, he shook my hand. I told him who I was and mentioned Isis and my book. He thanked me for the book and told me that his daughter had enjoyed it. It was great to hear him say that. He and his manager, Steve Himber, equally nice as Mr. Marsters, sent Isis their regards. 

After the unforeseen Marsters meet and greet, we focused and went about our search for John Cena. At last, we found him! The line was long and wound around a few of the booths, but we waited patiently. John Cena wasn't taking pictures with the fans, but we were allowed to take pictures as he signed autographs. The kid was nervous and excited as we waited in line. He took a picture with one of the Wizard World/Comic Con staff members, Doug Brenan (pictured on left), who was very nice and kept us entertained during the long wait. I think Doug looks like John Cena, don't you? 

And finally, it was the kid's turn to meet the real John Cena (pictured on right). Cena didn't talk much, but he did sign the kid's autograph with "See you in the ring".  I thanked him for that and he just smiled. The kid is still smiling and happy over it.

The other celebrity I really wanted to meet was Stan Lee. You see, Mr. Lee is the creator of all my comic book boyfrans (boyfriends)...Captain America, Thor, Iron Man, The Avengers, The Hulk, Spiderman, The Fantastic Four. I grew up watching the cartoons, reading a few comic books here and there. I fell in love with superheroes from a very young age. And to meet Stan Lee was high up on my bucket list (yes, I do have one and the bucket is overflowing).

I thought I'd take a look and see if Stan Lee was signing. I didn't have high hopes of him being there as I always miss the celebs I want to meet at these cons. But to my surprise, he was there!  I didn't hesitate or care that the line was long. I stood in line and waited with a huge smile on my face. We weren't allowed to take pictures of Mr. Lee or with him. He was only signing autographs during this hour and I wasn't going to miss it. When he signed my picture, I knew it would be the only chance I got to to say something to him, and I know I must've sounded like a crazy fool, but I didn't care. I mean, I'm the crazy woman who wrote to the Queen and told her I liked her hair in the post script! But that's another story... So anyway, I took a breath and said, "Mr. Lee, I want to thank you for creating all my boyfriends. They are ALL my boyfriends." He chuckled a little and said, "Well...I'm filled with gratitude." I took my autographed picture and thanked him and left with a grin that was wider than the kid's after meeting John Cena.

And that ladies and gents, was my totally awesome Austin Comic Con experience. Thanks for stopping in to read about it. Until the next blog post...



Wednesday, November 20, 2013

The Confessions of Sylva Slasher Book Blitz & Giveaway

Title:  The Confessions of Sylva Slasher
Author:  Ace Antonio Hall
Published:  April 14th, 2013 by Montag Press
Word Count:  84,000
Genre: YA Horror
Recommended Age:  12+

Eighteen-year-old Sylva Fleischer and her friends raise the dead for a living for police investigations and mourning families. Two years after her high school crush, a hot guy named Brandon, is assumed dead, Sylva’s friends convince her to go on a spring break cruise in an effort to suppress her depression over him. But when passengers mysteriously die and reanimate into flesheating zombies like she’s never seen before, Sylva plunges into a horrifying struggle between a ship infested with the undead and the scariest thing of all: a second chance with Brandon after she discovers he’s still alive. This is a zombie story that eats right to the core and leaves you licking your chops for more.

About the Author:
Ace Antonio Hall graduated from Long Island University with a BFA. He is a former NYC middle school English teacher who can't get enough of zombies and Spider-Man comic books. When he's not in the gym working off the extra calories from eating way too many donuts, Ace writes young adult horror fiction.

His novel The Confessions of Sylva Slasher was released April 14, 2013 by Montag Press. The second book in his series, Crystal Coffin, will be available next year.

Ace's short story Dead Chick Walking made the Fall 2013 edition of the best-selling Calliope Magazine and his science fiction story, They, won the Honorable  Mention distinction for the 2013 Writers of the Future Award.

For updates and news, follow him on Twitter @aceantoniohall, like his facebook author fan page or visit where you can read his blog, updated regularly.

There is an international tour wide giveaway. Prizes include the following:
6 x $10 Amazon Gift Cards

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Monday, November 18, 2013

The Funny Adventures of Little Nani Book Tour & Giveaway!

Hi there! 
Today, it's my pleasure to welcome Little Nani and her creator, Author Cinta Garcia de la Rosa to my blog. Cinta has been nice enough to share an excerpt from her work with us and has also included an international giveaway, so be sure to scroll down to read the excerpt and enter the giveaway for your chance to win several great prizes, including a Little Nani doll! 

Title:  The Funny Adventures of Little Nani
Author:  Cinta Garcia de la Rosa
Published:  September 2012
Word Count:  17,000
Genre:  Children's Book
Recommended Age:  6 - 12
Little Nani is a little girl who likes helping people. However, when she helps people the results can be a bit unexpected. Why is that? Little Nani is a witch! Or at least she wants to be a witch. With her magic wand, she will try to cast different spells to help her friends, but she won't be successful all the time.

Follow Little Nani in her funny adventures and meet her extraordinary friends. Funny ostriches, horses that love reading, super-fast turtles, grumpy zombies... Little Nani has lots of friends! You can also draw your own characters!

Little Nani is willing to become a good witch. Will she manage to do it? Who knows? Read the stories and discover what happens next!

About the Author:
Cinta Garcia de la Rosa is a Spanish writer who has loved the written word since she discovered she was able to read books at age 5. Since then, she has become a bookworm and reads around 100 books every year. She also writes, every day, compulsively, even in the middle of the night. You cannot control when inspiration hits you, can you? She writes in English because she is convinced that in a previous life she was British, so writing in English feels more natural to her than writing in her native language. Yes, she is crazy like that. Cinta Garcia is the author of "The Funny Adventures of Little Nani", a collection of short stories for children, and "A Foreigner in London", a short story published on Smashwords.

From “Little Nani and the Flying Muffin” by Cinta Garcia de la Rosa

“I’m bored!”
“How can you say that you are bored when I am reading to you one of the funniest books I have read in a long time?” said Horse in an exasperated tone. When Little Nani shrugged her shoulders, Horse had retreated to his favourite rocking chair in a corner of the room.
“Can I go out and make angels?” asked Little Nani, who was upside down, standing on her hands.
“Don’t be silly. You can only make angels in the snow, not in the rain,” said Horse without raising his eyes from the book.
“Can I go out and jump in the pools?” asked Little Nani, who was hopscotching all over the room.
“If you go out you will get soaking wet, and then you will catch a bad cold, and then you won’t be able to go out for a long time,” said the impatient horse. He didn’t like being interrupted while reading.
“Then I will cast a spell to make the sun come back,” said Little Nani, trying to take her magic wand out of her pocket while rolling on the floor. Big Billy, watching her efforts to take her magic wand out, and fearing that Little Nani could make the rain turn into a tempest, quickly pecked Little Nani’s hand.
“Ouch!” exclaimed Little Nani. “That hurt!”
She tried once more to take her magic wand from her pocket, but this time it was Skinny Nikki who pecked Little Nani’s hand.
“Ouch!” exclaimed Little Nani again.
It was pretty clear by now to Little Nani that she wasn’t going to have any fun that day. She thought that the rain was boring and, folding her arms with an angry look, she sat down in a corner.

There is an International tour wide giveaway. Prizes include the following:
  • 1st Place Winner: Signed notebook, 3 signed post cards, 1 Little Nani doll, 1 keyring (INT)
  • 2nd Place Winner: Signed notebook, 2 signed post cards, 1 Little Nani doll (INT)
a Rafflecopter giveaway


The Funny Adventures of Little Nani by Cinta Garcia de la Rosa: