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Thursday, November 5, 2015

Filming Date Set for Creatura Series Cinematic Trailer

Good day to you!

As I stated in my previous post, a filming date for The Creatura Series live action trailer has been set. Some of you may freak out about the date, but not me. I think it's a super lucky day. Everyone take a deep breath. Ready? Here goes...

The scheduled date to shoot the trailer is 
Friday, November 13, 2015. 


Is anyone freaking out yet? I'll give you a few minutes to compose yourselves. 


You should be good, I think. Let's proceed.

Because I've had questions concerning the process of producing a trailer, I decided to give you an insight of all the work that's been put in by Timid Monster to make this trailer happen. If you've been keeping up with me, you know that there are a lot of steps involved, as well as lots of time invested in each of these steps. So, let's recap, shall we?

First, we worked on the script. I gave Dan Baker, the director, an idea of what it was I was looking for in a trailer, and he whipped up a rough draft of the script. Ideas were tossed around, and after a few changes, the script was finalized. 

Second, I licensed the music. It's a very awesome song I found by mere luck and fell in love with. I'll tell you more about the artist in another update.

Third, it was time to look for the talent. Oh man...  I believe I told you before how I obsess over every single, minute detail? If you didn't know this, now you do. Luckily, I had the best and nicest and most patient casting director to work with—Katie. I'm sure at some point she dreaded my emails, but she pulled through, like a boss. So let's take a moment to applaud and thank Katie. After all, she's the one responsible for casting these lovelies:

Shane Christopher Hudson cast as "The Demon"

Madison Atkinson cast as "Isis"

Sean Carter cast as "David"

The fourth step was designing wardrobe for the characters. There were details, details, and more details concerning attire, props, scenes, special effects, camera speed... You name it, I thought of it, because you know how I obsess over all the details. However, I decided to be reasonable this time, though secretly, I wished I could add more. Even then, I thought I was overdoing it, because I have a tendency to over do everything. Seriously, it's even in my author bio. So there I was, thinking I was asking for too much when I told Dan what I'd like to see in the trailer. I thought he'd say, "Can't be done." Boy, was I wrong! After I told him all the ideas that were whirling around in my head, he shot me back emails adding more awesomeness to the wardrobe, props, etc. Thank you, Dan! *Wardrobe is still being worked on, btw. 

Until now, this is all I have to tell you about the process of producing a book trailer. Next, we wait for the filming date, and then the editing process begins. But wait, there's more...

There's a good chance that the actors can do quick interviews, if time permits. But we need questions submitted before the filming date. Are there questions you'd like to ask the cast or the Timid Monster crew? Go to my Facebook Page and ask your question as a comment. Every question gets an entry to the giveaway for the Creatura t-shirt pictured at the top of this post (sizes S-3XL available).

Breaking News: Role of "David" Cast

Greetings and Salutations, Readers! 

I told you I'd be back very soon with another update and here I am... and so is the update:

The role of David, the second lead character in the Creatura Series cinematic book trailer, has been confirmed and will be portrayed by actor Sean Carter. Sean holds acting credits in several indie films, national commercials, and award-winning theatre performances. 

What do you think of our David? Dreamy enough for you? 

Sean Carter

Casting the right actors was very important to me. I want to give my readers the image of what my characters look like in my head, but also what they would consider a good fit. So, in an attempt to find an actor who fit the role of David, I relied on a handful of readers/friends for feedback when making my decision. Their reaction, "I want to pet him." That's when I knew we had a winner. 

That's all I have for you today, but I'll be back tomorrow with a post about the shooting/filming date and a summary of all that's transpired. If time permits, an interview  session will also be filmed, so tomorrow, a Q&A will be opened to the public (you) on my Facebook page . You can submit questions for the actors and the Timid Monster team. I might just have a giveaway for you, too! 

Write to you soon... 


Nely Cab

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Breaking News: Role of "Isis" Cast

Hello Totally Awesome Readers,

I'm checking in with you today with some more exciting news. The green light has been given by Timid Monster's Casting Director, Katie Baker, and I can now announce another casting update. YAY!

I'm ever so happy to report one of the leads for the cinematic Creatura Series book trailer has been cast and confirmed. Isis will be played by the stunning and talented Madison Atkinson.

Madison Atkinson

Madison has modeled for ads for national retailers as well as Memphis, Tennessee local advertising. She auditioned for the role a few weeks ago, but I was a tad nervous she wouldn't be interested. So you can imagine how thrilled I was when I received a confirmation email from Katie stating Madison agreed to take the role. 

What do you think of our Isis? Gorgeous, right? 

You should stay tuned for more updates as they'll be coming very soon. Among these will be a post revealing the actor cast for the role of David. Also, I'll let you know when the filming date has been set so we can send the crew and cast major positive vibes when shooting.

Have I told you guys how excited I am? Pretty sure I have, but I'll say it again. I'M SO EXCITED! Are you excited, too? 

As always, thanks for stopping by. 


Nely Cab

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

SFX Actor Cast in Creatura Series Trailer

Hey you!

Since Halloween is coming up this week, I thought it very appropriate to announce this particular role as the first actor cast in The Creatura Series live action trailer. 

I'm thrilled to announce that the very talented, Shane Christopher Hudson, SFX artist and actor, has been cast for the role of "demon". A demon?! Wuuuuut? Oh, so you thought I was going for a simple little trailer? Oh no. You guys deserve the best, and Timid Monster and I are making sure you're getting the most incredible glimpse of the world of Creatura you can possibly get.

But enough about how much I love you; let's talk about Shane...

Shane Christopher Hudson, SFX artist/actor

Shane's pictured in SFX makeup as a Clicker from the game The Last of Us.

You may recognize Shane from pictures posted by the very lovely Cameo Renae, author of the After Light Saga. Shane portrayed the role of an Arvy in the short film by the same name, also produced by the wonderful Timid Monster team. If you attended Utopia Con in Nashville, you may remember a zombie running around? That was an Arvy! What a spectacular job he did! 

Shane pictured in Arvy costume from the After Light Short Film by Timid Monster.

But aside from growling and scaring the pants off you, Shane also customizes special effects makeup/costumes. You can view Shane's artistry on his page, Nightmare Reality Studio, check out his latest projects, and keep up with his next roles. 

I hope you guys are as excited as I am for this trailer. I'll be back soon with more updates. 


Nely Cab

Saturday, October 24, 2015

Update on the Creatura Series Live Action Trailer

Hello again!

I thought it was time to post an update on all that's transpired since my last post about The Creatura Book Series live action trailer, being produced by the wonderful people over at Timid Monster. 

First off, let me tell you that finding actors to cast is hard work. I tip my head to casting directors all over the world, especially the very patient Katie who had to put up with an obsessive, perfectionist author named Nely Cab who wouldn't rest until she got what she wanted. Sometimes, it's so hard being me. Alas, it appears we've found a perfect fit for the characters in the trailer. And I. AM.  ECSTATIC. 

As production progresses, I'll be dropping in with more updates about who's been cast, what roles they'll play, and even about the song and artist that will be used in the trailer. I'm sure you've already heard tons from me about Timid Monster, but I'll let you know more about what they do in a post, as well. 

Thanks so much for keeping up with me and taking the time to visit. Have a good one!


Nely Cab

Monday, August 31, 2015

Creatura Series Book Trailer in Pre-Production

Hola, Bonjour, Ciao, Aloha, Yasas, Nin Hao, and Hello!

A few months ago I announced I had to postpone the production of The Creatura Book Series Cinematic Trailer. I was pretty bummed about it. But today, here I am again with an update: I'm happy and excited to announce pre-production has officially begun! Timid Monster's award-winning director Dan Baker will be directing the project and overseeing production. 

Although, I don't know an official release date, I can tell you that so far, we've licensed the music (which I totally love) and spoken about wardrobe and the screenplay, as well as some other cool video editing stuff that'll be a cool surprise for both you and me. I can't wait to share more as the project develops. 

However, I'm curious to know from you, my readers, if you were directing this project, what would your vision be for the book trailer? 


Tuesday, August 11, 2015

GIVEAWAY--Print Book and Greek Goodies from my Trip

Hello, hello!

Last month I didn't post a Blind Date with a Book Giveaway because I was busy getting ready for a trip to Greece, which coincidentally also happens to be the setting for book two, Fruit of Misfortune, in the Creatura Series. If you go to my Facebook Page you'll find pictures of all the beautiful things I saw in the birthplace of democracy and the land of the gods. While on my trip, you guys were on my mind. See? I think of you all the time! So I brought back some souvenirs for a giveaway. 

Here's what you can win:

1. A bookmark from the Acropolis Museum

2. A journal also from the Acropolis Museum

3. A postcard with the picture of a statue mentioned in Fruit of Misfortune.

4. A signed Creatura bookmark

5. A signed print copy of Fruit of Misfortune (Release date, Aug. 25, 2015).

And here's a picture of the goodies. You like? Yes? Good.


Friday, July 10, 2015

Winner of June's Blind Date with a Book Giveaway!

Congratulations to June's Blind Date with a Book Giveaway winner, Tawnya P.! Hurray for her! 

Tawnya gets to sink her teeth into her very own signed copy of Jeaniene Frost's The Beautiful Ashes. I'm jealous.


  • In a world of shadows, anything is possible. Except escaping your fate.

Ever since she was a child, Ivy has been gripped by visions of strange realms just beyond her own. But when her sister goes missing, Ivy discovers the truth is far worse⎯her hallucinations are real, and her sister is trapped in a parallel realm. And the one person who believes her is the dangerously attractive guy who's bound by an accent legacy to betray her.

Adrian might have turned his back on those who raised him. but that doesn't mean he can change his after... no matter how strong a pull he feels toward Ivy. Together they search for the powerful relic that can save her sister, but Adrian knows what Ivy doesn't: that every step brings Ivy closer to the truth about her own destiny, and a war that could doom the world. Sooner or later, it will be Ivy on one side and Adrian on the other. And nothing but she's in between...

  • Series: Broken Destiny (Book 1)
  • Paperback: 304 pages
  • Publisher: Harlequin HQN (August 26, 2014)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 0373779054

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

It's Release Day!




Ebook - Fruit of Misfortune  

Available Now on

YA_White_M - Fruit of Misfortune
Isis' goals for the future included things like attending and graduating college. However, becoming a monster wasn't part of the plan. Isis and her boyfriend, David, are on the brink of a horrible transformation and they are eager to stop it. Together, they set out on a quest to Greece to find Isis' biological father—the only person that may be able to help them. Their journey comes to an abrupt stop before it even begins when Isis falls ill, and Eros, David's best friend, arrives in Athens, unannounced and curious…with a plan of his own.
The hunt for her father leads Isis on the turbulent path of deceit, death, and demons as she anticipates the dawning of the beast that stirs inside her.

Monday, June 15, 2015

Fruit of Misfortune Releases Tomorrow, Creatura on sale TODAY!

Just a quick post to remind you that Fruit of Misfortune releases tomorrow. YAY! And in light of that great news, even better news... Creatura is on sale for 99 cents! Hop on over and get your copy on Amazon

And while you're there, you can preorder Fruit of Misfortune (Creatura, # 2), releasing tomorrow

Want more Creatura? Grab a copy of Prelude, A Creatura Novella (standalone prequel)

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

June's Blind Date with a #Book #Giveaway

Hi again!

If you read my last post, then you know I hadn't posted this month's giveaway because I couldn't find the book. So here's what happened...

I was organizing a party for my niece, which was happening on Saturday,  trying to get things together for Book Expo America in New York City for which I was flying out on Tuesday morning, and I was going to have out of town guests, staying for the weekend. So being the good hostess my mother taught me to be, I had to clean my house. I also overdo everything, so I overextend myself. And you should also know I'm old, so I have all the old people pains and some things are hard for me to do. That's why I have a housekeeper lady that comes once a week and helps me do those things. But housekeeper lady was unable to come that week because she was/is still sick. Hence, I was really stressed.

This is pretty much what I looked like that week.

We (my sister, her friend, and my mom) made all the party goodies: cookies, invitations, loot bags. You didn't know I was crafty like that, did you? You should check out my Instagram
Anyway, going back to that stressful week... 
It was utter insanity! 
And SO tiring. Long nights and days. There were no Nely naps involved. Like. At. All.

And then there was the aftermath. My house was a mess. 
I started cleaning like a mad woman.

I threw everything in my office (you should take that literally) to clear out the mess downstairs. But then I couldn't walk into it without tripping, and I needed to do important things in there. There wasn't a free space on my desk to do all the importantly important tasks, and I still had tons more that needed to get done. So I sat in the middle of it all in despair, not knowing what to do. I only had a couple of days left before my company would arrive, which was the morning of the party. 


And I realized...

I called for emergency back up. My sister, Krystle, 
and her BFFEAE (Best Friend for Ever and Ever), Sheila,
responded to my call. It took them two hours to drive 9 miles at 60mph. I've never been good at math, but that doesn't add up. I've since developed an alien abduction theory about their memory being erased. Wait... 
Isn't that the plot from that 90's movie, 
Fire in the Sky?

⬅︎ This is Krystle.

This is Sheila.➡︎

Once they arrived and Krystle raided my pantry for twenty minutes while Sheila checked her Snapchats, they walked upstairs and into my office. They scoped the place out and were all...

And then you know what they did?

So I left them to it, and I started on my Book Expo America swag stuff because I wasn't going to have time to do anything that weekend. Meanwhile, Krystle raided my make-up samples and said she was taking some of it, because obviously, I didn't need any of it if it was just lying there. Like everything else wasn't just scattered everywhere? During the time Krystle gifted herself my items, Sheila threw away everything she thought was trash. 
That evening I found out too late that this is Sheila's motto:

Now I know, right?
Sheila also made it a point to label every...single...thing...with a sharpie. She may have an undiagnosed condition. 

When I went back in to check on them, I couldn't believe what I saw⎯a clean office! HOORAY!

Krystle, very lady-like, reacted to my excitement.

Saturday came and the party was a blast, my guests slept on fresh sheets and were greeted with sparkly cleanliness, and Book Expo America was super fun... which I meant to blog about, but didn't. Sorry! Also, I forgot to shop for groceries, so the fridge was empty and brilliantly clean inside, too. But there was no food for the weekend guests. Oops! I was really happy when we had Chick-fil-A sandwiches left over from the party on Saturday, because... well, food.  But then I counted how many chicken sandwiches were left. THIRTY?! That must be like a lifetime supply, right? I froze them. 

I had no time to step back into my office after that day. I had a lot of pending stuff when I left to BEA. 

Fast forward...

The following week, I'm back home from NYC/BEA. I've been gone for... five or six days? Who knows? I'm trying to get up to date with all the things I have to do. You know⎯like, life. I go into my office to do all the things that shall and must be done. Only, I can't find anything. And along with the things I can't find is the giveaway book. I panic. 

I search, search, and search. I microwave a Chick-fil-A sandwich,  and then I search some more.

Nope. Couldn't find it. Today, almost two weeks and several chicken sandwiches later, I found it at last.  It was tucked away on a shelf where it shouldn't have been (I'm looking at you, Krystle and Sheila), and I was relieved. 

So that's my story. 
Thank you, Sheila and Krystle for cleaning my office. I'll have to call upon your services again soon because housekeeper lady is still sick. Poor woman! Only next time, I'm not leaving the room.

This is the longest post ever. I didn't mean for it to be this long, but I got caught up in the gifs. It's super past my bedtime, so I don't  think I'll include a picture of the Blind Date book in this giveaway. You've already had too much entertainment anyway, and I need my beauty sleep.

 So here's the giveaway. It's a New Adult book about demons and angels. I gave you more info this time because it's my giveaway and I do what I want, okay? Hope you like it. 
Good luck!

Fruit of Misfortune & Free Copies of Creatura on @bookgrabbr


First, let me apologize for not posting any updates about this earlier. I'm just now getting organized after coming back Book Expo America... which I forgot to post about. In another unrelated topic, I'll be posting June's Blind Date with a Book Giveaway later today, so come back! I'm late on posting it because I couldn't find the book and panicked. I'll explain why I lost it in that post. So fear not, the giveaway is coming. 

Now moving on to the real topic of this post...

Fruit of Misfortune (Creatura, #2) will be release on June 16th in Ebook format. HOORAY! You can preorder a copy on Amazon or Barnes & Noble. The print edition will be available until August 25, 2015 wherever books are sold.

Are you here to learn about the free copies of Creatura? 
Read on...

The Creatura ebook is already on sale on Amazon and Barnes & Noble, and you can pick up a paperback copy on July 14, 2015. But in case you haven't read Creatura and aren't too sure about preordering Fruit of Misfortune AND buying Creatura (books are a big investment. I know this.), I've upload some copies of Creatura onto this new, incredible site called BookGrabbr for the price of  FREE NINETY-NINE! In case you don't understand that phrase, it means it's FREE. Yes, FREE... for the first 50 to get there. So click the link and get your copy! 

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

May's Blind Date with a Book Giveaway Winner

Hello there! I'm so glad you're back. First, I'd like to thank all of you who entered the giveaway last month. Today, I have a winner to announce...

The winner for the month of May's giveaway is Raeline Peterson. Congratulations, girlfriend! Raeline is now the proud owner of not one, but two signed books from Gracen Miller's Hot Wired Series-- one of my personal favorites might I add. Check out these gorgeous covers!

About the Series: 

Hot Wired is a new adult contemporary rocker romance series that takes us into the lives of its band members. The book series, which is named after the band, features plenty of steamy romance and witty dialogue with a glitzy Hollywood spark and just a hint of southern spice. You can read more about the Hot Wired Series on Gracen Miller's website 


you could mosey on over and 
grab your copy on 

*Check back soon for June's Blind Date with a Book Giveaway, and thanks for stopping by. 

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Kindling Flames: Granting Wishes by Julie Wetzel Blitz and Giveaway

 photo Granting-Wishes-Blitz-Banner.png

 photo Granting-Wishes.jpg
Title:  Kindling Flames: Granting Wishes
Series:  The Ancient Flame Series Novella
Author:  Julie Wetzel
Published:   May 26th, 2015
Publisher:  Crimson Tree Publishing
Genre:  NA Urban Paranormal Romance
Content Warning:  Violence, adult language
Recommended Age:  18+
Synopsis: Leprechauns don’t exist. Or that’s what Cathren has always believed, but a chance encounter changes everything. When she saves a handsome stranger from a nasty electrical shock, not only does he claim to be one, but he also insists on granting her wishes. Now she must decide— is he insane, or a magical creature of lore? Unsure which is true, she grabs at the first three wishes she can think of: true love, happiness, and waffles. A tall order for most men, but not for Patrick Brogan. With a little persistence and just a touch of magic, anything is possible.

 photo Julie-Wetzel.jpg

About the Author:
Originally from Ohio, Julie always dreamed of a job in science. Either shooting for the stars or delving into the mysteries of volcanoes. But, life never leads where you expect. In 2007, she moved to Mississippi to be with her significant other. Now a mother of a hyperactive red headed boy, what time she’s not chasing down dirty socks and unsticking toys from the ceiling is spent crafting worlds readers can get lost it. Julie is a self-proclaimed bibliophile and lover of big words. She likes hiking, frogs, interesting earrings, and a plethora of other fun things.
Julie Wetzel is the author of her debut novel Kindling Flames. Kindling Flames was released through Crimson Tree Publishing in 2014.
 photo Crimson Tree Pub Logo Sm.jpg

Crimson Tree Publishing Links:
(an adult division of Clean Teen)
Website  |  Facebook   |  Twitter
Giveaway Details:
There is a tour wide giveaway. Prizes include the following:
  • A bookmark swag pack and winner’s choice of any Clean Teen Publishing eBook.
Giveaway is International.

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Friday, May 15, 2015

Cover Reveal: Royal Partnerships by Gracen Miller

Are you ready for the ride?
Can you handle the ride?

(must be read in order as the books build upon one another)

Royal Partnerships
Road to Hell series #4
by Gracen Miller

(Cover Art designed by Andrea Kozari)
Paranormal Romance
(aka Horroromance because it's a little horror mixed with romance)

Releasing - June 11, 2015

It’s good to be the Queen…

Having ascended the throne of Hell, Madison Wescott is finally able to breathe a sigh of relief. Though she has embraced her demonic nature, she has ensured the safety of everyone she loves. With both Micah and Nix at her side, she wields more power than she could have ever imagined.

But not even the throne is safe when you rule in Hell.

In the wake of a failed assassination attempt, Madison learns about a realm of the damned older than Hell itself. A fierce and powerful incubus vows to escape his imprisonment there and his efforts are weakening the bonds that hold him and countless other monsters at bay. With no plan and nowhere else to turn, Madison contacts an unlikely source for help. But whose side is he really on? Will he help preserve her reign, or bring about Hell’s downfall?

Choose your partnerships carefully…

(Video created by Videos by O)

“Collecting and torturing a soul is dangerous business, my sister,” Zen said.

“So was becoming Queen of Hell. What’s problematic about going with the flow?”

More of the same unblinking stare from him. “If you go rogue, Madison…”

Madison slammed against the window-wall behind her. Despite the pane’s solidness, she felt it shimmy when it received the brunt of her weight. Recognizing Zen’s new demonstration of power, she elevated her eyebrows at him. With a smirk, she rubbed her back against the glass. She palmed her dragon blade as she flung a ninja star. He leaned to the side, dodging the star with ease. Of course she missed.

“You can’t kill me.”

Only his creator could take him down.

Madison palmed her other dagger and eased away from the window. “Is this you coming for me, Zen?”

His one-shoulder shrug sufficed as an answer. The pounding on the door, followed by Nix and Micah’s yelling further answered her question. Zen had magically locked them out. That’d been why she saw his power flare for a brief second during their conversation.

She went for him. He blocked each jab and slash. Every kick and punch. She eyed him as they circled one another.

He toys with us, her demon remarked.

Of course he does, that was Zen’s way when they sparred.

“Have I not taught you anything?” He smacked her across the cheek in a whip-like move she hadn’t seen coming. It wasn’t hard enough to hurt, but the blow stung all the same. “You tire yourself knowing I’m the superior fighter. It’s like you sacrifice yourself to me. Too easy.”

They went at it again. She tripped over a rug, stumbled backward, and came up dead-footed with her spine against the windowpanes. He moved into her space. Eye-to-eye they stared at one another, her panting the only racket in the room.

“So this is how it all ends?” she asked as he elevated a hand and braced it against the glass next to her head.


The door practically throbbed from all the kicking, pounding, and magic thrown at it. 

“You’re scaring my men.”

“They should be terrified.”

Madison settled her hand on his arm. “I trust you.”

She chugged his magic harder than she ever had anyone’s, and screamed as pain slashed through her head. Zen’s eyes widened, silver bright, and he jerked away as his magic held strong, barring her husbands from the room.

Zen stumbled, his footing off, and he swayed a moment before going to a knee. Wincing as the pain receded, Madison circled him and secured her blade in its leather holster.

She threaded her fingers in his hair and pulled his head back. His shallow breathing surprised her, “Concede defeat?”

Gracen is a hopeless daydreamer masquerading as a “normal” person in southern society. When not writing, she’s a full-time basketball/lacrosse/guitar mom for her two sons and a devoted wife to her real-life hero-husband of over twenty years. She has an unusual relationship with her muse, Dom, but credits all her creative success to his brilliant mind. She’s addicted to writing, paranormal romance novels and movies, Alabama football, and coffee...addictions are not necessarily in order of priority. She’s convinced coffee is nectar from the gods and when blending coffee and writing together it generates the perfect creative merger. Many of her creative worlds are spawned from coffee highs and Dom’s aggressive demands. Gracen writes is multiple genres—paranormal romance, paranormal erotic romance, and contemporary romance. To learn more about Gracen or to leave her a comment, visit her website at

Twitter: @GracenMiller